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We walked together towards Sully's plane. After a while we got to a skyrail which would get us closer to the plane.

Nathan jumped to another wooden platform where he could pull the skyrail across.

Me, Sully, Sam and Elena stepped on the skyrail.

"I don't like this..." I said quietly to myself

"You what?" Sam asked

"I just... I don't like heights." I said and took a firm grasp from the rail.

Sam puffed out a laugh "You're scared of heights now?" he shook his head "You have been climbing around this whole island hundreds of feets in height without a fear, and you are scared we are gonna fall from a skyrail that has a little death fall?"

I squinted my eyes "It's different."

"How it is different?" he asked

"Because now, Nate is one with the rope that can pull us to the near death. When I'm climbing, I trust myself. I trust my strenght that I won't fall."

Sam sighed and stepped closer to me "Even if it's Nate, you won't fall."

I raised my eyes to Sam.

"Because I'm here. I'm not gonna let you fall." he said and gave a genuine smile.

"You all set?" Nate asked from the other platform

"We're ready!" Elena yelled and Nate started pulling.

On the half way, the skyrail started to rumble beneath our feet.

"Hang on!" Sam yelled and took a grasp of the railing I was already holding tightly.

Skyrail stopped at the end of the rail and swinged from the ground to air. Sully and Elena jumped when they had a chance, but Sam stayed by my side.

"You okay?" Sam asked and caressed my shoulder

I felt my heart beat fast, and the adrenaline bumping through my veins, but still I felt safe... because of Sam.

"Yep." I popped my P "All right." I sighed and saw Sam relax too.

Sam then moved to the edge of the skyrail and held up his hand "C'mon up, Nate" he said.

Nate swinged to the skyrail with his rope and Sam catched him. He pulled him up, and as soon as Nate stepped on it, the skyrail broke from the rail and only hanged from the other side.

All of us wobbled and when the skyrail broke, we flew down. At the speed of light all of us took a hold on the bottom of the skyrail and began to climb it.

"Go! Jump off! Quick!" Sam yelled, and we all did as ordered. Nate jumped to the ground where Sully and Elena had previously landed. Me and Sam jumped to another platform with a small jumping distance from the rest of the group.

"Son of a bitch." Sam uttered as he helped me up to my feet.

"Sam and Beth! C'mon just jump. We'll catch you." Nate spoke and we jogged to the edge.

I looked past my shoulder and saw the cave where Avery's treasure was. We were closer to it than before.

I turned to Sam and he turned to me. He looked to the cave, and back to his brother, troubled. He sighed.

"No! Don't you even think about it, you hear me?" Nate yelled

"I'm sorry I got you into this." Sam said. "All of you." he looked to me.

"C'mon, Beth you gotta jump." Sam said to me.

"What? No! I'm not doing that knowning you're gonna go after that treasure." I said viciously

"I gotta see this through." Sam said pleading "Just jump."

I looked at Nate who was stretching his arm to us, and then I looked at Sam.

"I'm coming with you." I said. Sam nodded with a little smile and we took of running.

"Hey, listen to me!" Nate yelled "If you do this, I'm not coming after you!" he threathened.

Me and Sam stopped at that statment. We looked at each other and we heard how serious Nate was. Sam slowly turned his eyes to Nate.

"I'm sorry." he said and we both kept on running.

A/N: Hello loveys! It's been a looooong break :"D just under a year or something hehe. But I'm back! And really... I'm gonna finish this book no matter what.

Feel free to like and comment! :3

Lots of Love, Violet O.

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