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I wake up with enormous headache... again. 

I'm being carried by one of the mercenary soldiers on his shoulder, and my hands are tied behind my back.

"What the---" I crumble, and as soon as the mercenary hears my voice, he drops me down from his shoulder.

"Ow! What the heck?" I yell at him, but he continues walking. He follows other soldiers who are following Nadine, who is walking ahead. I hear footsteps coming to me, and one pair of feet stops on my spot.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks and leans to speak to me.

"Does it look like I'm ok?" I snap at him and try to get up, but I fail. Sam helps me up with his free hands

"I got it, I got it." I say and as soon as I'm somewhat on my feet, I wiggle my way free out of his hands.

"Beth, at least let me talk to you." Sam pleads. I look at him, and see the gun wound from earlier. It is in exactly at the same spot, as the one I got in Panama fifteen years ago.

"Okay people," Rafe says as he walks to me and Sam "We don't got all day, let's go." and he continues to walk.

I try not to explode from anger, and continue to walk as Sam follows me by my side. "You wanna talk?" I echo. "Fine, let's talk." I shrug. "Let's talk about how selfish and desperate you were to find Avery's treasure, that you would lie to me and Nathan about it."

Sam opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. 

"And I know, me and Nate chose to come with you and we cannot blame you for risking our lives. But you knew that we wouldn't come, if there wasn't a bigger meaning for this trip." I yell at him and a silence falls between us.

"I know you're angry at me---" Sam begins.

"I'm not angry at you." I say, and after a while, I look at Sam with much softer eyes. 

"I trusted you, Sam. And what you did, hurt me." I say in a calmer voice. A voice, that tells him how hurt I am.

Sam sighs slowly. "I know." he says silently, and I stop walking, as does he too. "I cannot explain the reason behind it. But I feel bad. I know I shouldn't have... I---" he struggles finding the right words. "I just want to say... I'm sorry."

I should feel angry. But I feel sorry for him. I have empathy on him. I know this treasure was something he spent his whole fifteen years thinking about. This was important to him. That important, that he would lie about it. I still feel hurt because if he had just told me the truth maybe... just maybe, I was gonna go with him.

Before I get to say anything, Rafe walks to us. "Hey lovebirds, we don't have time to chit-chat over here. Get a move on!" he said and showed the way with his hand.

"Could you at least untie me? These are hella tight." I try to ease up the pain around my wrists, but it only makes it worse.

Rafe laughs at my request "Yeah... not gonna happen."

"So, why do you still keep me alive, huh? I thought you wanted me dead." I snap at him.

"Well, yes and I still do." he grins "But if Sam dies in blood loss, then you'll be our spare guide, Hunter." he informs "Or, if he decides to do something...forbidden, then you'll be our little encouragement for Sam." he pats Sam on the back and gives a sly smile.

I watch him with widened eyes as he walks past us. His encouragement? So if Sam did something, I'd be hurt... or killed. And after the lies he had told everyone, I'm having hard time to trust him. He's gonna do something, I'm sure. He's so eager to find that treasure, he'd do anything.


Sweat was watering my face and clothes. I felt nauseous. I wanted to jump into bowl of ice and spent my entire life in there. I saw one of Rafe's man drink water, and it made me so jealous. I wanted that water. I'd do anything to get that water, anything. Please. Give me water. Water... please...

"Are we close, Samuel?" Rafe shouted.

His eyes were glued to me. He thought I wouldn't notice, but I did. He had been staring me our whole trip. Rafe's voice brought his eyes to him. "Yeah, it's right there." he pointed at the huge palace. It was the only house that was still intact, when the other houses were damaged and flooded with water.

Once we got to the front door, Rafe commanded some of the mercenaries to watch the place for if someone else would come here and try to get the treasure.

"Okay, Samuel," Rafe sang "Is this the door?"

"Yeah," he answered "This is the Avery's place."


A/N: I'm so sorry for not publishing any chapters! I've had a huge writers block, which I'm trying to get through :D

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Lots of Love,

Violet O.

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