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Me and Sam ran towards a big ship, and hid behind it.

"Goodness..." I said "That was a close one."

"Yeah it was." Sam agreed "Lets just hope that doesn't happen again."

I raised my questioning brow "You really think we are gonna dodge those guards?"

He breathed out a laugh "I guess we're surrounded by them. So no." he smiled wickedly at me.

We were sitting on the ship, our knees bend and our backs leaning to the wall. We were so close to each other, that we could hear each others' breathing. 

We were so close, that if I'd lift my head a little higher and leaned in, our lips would touch.

"What?" Sam said with a little smile on his face.

"Um.. Nothing." I breathed out a laugh and shook my head "I only now noticed your..." I looked him in the eyes and watched him moisten his lips.

"I noticed your wrinkles." I finally said

Sam started laughing "You're saying I'm old?" he said.

I joined him "No! Or I mean. Older."

"So you ARE saying that!" he challenged. "But you know what that means, huh?" he continued

"What, Sam?"

"It means you are old too." he grinned

I gasped dramatically "How dare you say that Smokey Drake?" I wiped my no-existent tear from my face "I'm offended."

We both shared a laugh.

"Hey..." he said with a smile on his face

"What?" I returned the smile

"You said Smokey." he pointed his finger towards me "You called me Smokey and not Sam." 

"Oh. I didn't even notice." I breathed out a laugh "I guess Smokey fits you better."

"No, that's not the point!" he said "Whenever you're angry. And I mean like, you maybe wanna kill me. You always call me by Sam. You never use Smokey when you're angry." he smiles "But you called me Smokey."

I watched the burning sun, and then turned to Sam. "I guess I'm done being a total douche to you." 

I nudged him to his side, and he returned it.

He stood up and help me to stand. 

"But just so you remember, Drake." I said "Next time you pull something like this I--"

"There will be no next time." he interrupted "Trust me."

I nodded slowly "Good." I smiled

As I started walking, he called me.


He took a deep breath and looked right into my eyes. "I've missed you."

I took a step towards him, and wrapped my arms around him. It didn't take long for his arms to wrap around mine too.

"I've missed you too." 

We hold each other for a solid five minutes, when a load gun bang cut us off.

"The guards!" I yelled

"Not just the guards." Sam added "But Nathan too."


A/N: Hello! So I am done with my finals, wohoo!! And I've already written the ending to this story, which I cannot wait to publish :3

Feel free to vote and comment :3! <3

Lots of Love, Violet. O 

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