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Later we arrived to the harbor of Madagascar. We all changed our clothes and packed. I changed from my army green shorts to mom jeans and my dirty tank top to somewhat clean blue t-shirt which I stuffed in my jeans.

Even though Sully offered a ride home, Nathan and Elena decided to go on their own. I decided to head back to our hotel which we had stayed in before to sort out my mind. I wasn't really sure about my future anymore. A month ago I saw myself working in a pub in the future, but now I didn't know.

I stood next to Sully and Nathan as Sam and Elena spoke to each other further away from us.

"And no more late-night phone calls about 'one last time', hm?" Sullivan said to Nate.

"Promise" Nathan said and they hugged each other saying their goodbyes. Nathan headed to Sam and Elena as I still stood next to Sully.

"What about you, dear?" he said.

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know, Sully." I looked at Sam, then back at him. "All I know is, that I'm not gonna search for anymore treasures." I breathe out a laugh "And that I will try to find a job that does not require serving booze to old men."

"Sounds like a good plan." Sully said. I nodded and he gave me the biggest bear hug ever.

"Be sure to visit me." I said with a smile as I threw my bag on my shoulder.

"Of course," he said with his rusty old voice "Take care, kid." Sully said and I walked to Sam, Elena and Nathan.

As I stepped between Nate and Sam all I heard was one word.

"Nate the Great" Nathan said reluctantly.

I gasp dramatically "Is he going on tour?"

Nathan turned to me with a confused look on his face "How have you heard about Nate the Great?"

I simply turned my head toward Sam.

"Are you kidding me?" Nathan said.

"What?" he laughed "It's a good ice breaker."

"Oh my god." Nathan shook his head.

We shared a laugh and after Elena and Sam shared their goodbyes. Sam wrapped her in a hug and whispered something to her, and she replied.

I dropped my bag and motioned to Sam that I would come back then I followed Elena.

"This was a..." I started

"Crazy adventure?" she continued

"Something like that." I laughed and she joined me.

"Look, Elena." I continued with serious tone "I really am sorry for not telling what Nathan was doing. I should've..."

"Don't be." she waved me off "And besides, it all worked out for all of us." she smiled. "But you better keep your phone on the next time." I laughed.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said as I hugged her tightly.

"Me too. Remember to come and visit, okay?"

"Of course." I smiled. Elena got into the cab as Nathan walked to me.

"So... You and Sam." he teased and I nudged him.

"It's not like that." I sighed "Or... I don't know. We have had a lot going on..." I explained "and we hadn't had time to talk about it."

He laughed. "Yeah well, we've been quite busy, yeah." he placed the bag in the cab. "In my opinion, you guys would work out."

"Nathan..." my voice trailed off

~Man of Fortune~ (Samuel Drake fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now