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"Hey you." I smiled at Sam who was standing at the balcony and looking around him. "What are you doing?"

"Just going over our exit strategy... It's gonna get hairy." Sam sighed deeply

"Nervous?" I asked and dusted off his suit

"I just... trying not to imagine what they'll do if they catch us." he turned to me.

"Relax. We got this, Sam." I smiled at him and straightened his bow. "And as soon as we are out of here, you'll buy me a drink."

He raised his eyebrows

"I gotta get something from helping you."

"Oh, you'll get something." he winked and I nudged his side.

"Although I would love to talk with you, we need to get to work if we want to have that cross tonight." he chuckled and we joined Nathan and Sully.

"I'll look around the place and try if I can see Adler over here." I informed the guys and they all nodded. Sully gave me an earpiece and I went to the bar to get a drink.

"Vino bianco." I ordered with my skill set in Italian. That is basically the only word I know in Italian.

"Well, well, well." I hear a familiar sound behind me. I turn around, and my friendly smile turns into despise. "Surprised to see you here, Hunter."

"Rafe Adler. Long time no see." I put on my best fake smile "What has it been? Fifteen years?" I try to sound somewhat interested in him, though I'm having trouble hiding it.

"I believe so. You haven't aged at all, except for the hair. Dyed it?" I nodded quickly and picked up my wine glass.

"So what brings you here, Rafe?" I take a sip of my wine, though I'm eager to down it in one gulp.

"I think we both know why I am here." he took a step closer "I'm wondering... is it the same reason why you are here." I felt my heart starting to pound harder. It's not that I was scared of him, but I felt like he could sense if I was lying.

I breathed a silent laugh and placed my glass on the counter. I stared at his eyes, that were little lower than mine, thanks to my gorgeus, but devil, stilettos. "I dropped that after we searched the cathedral."

"I hope you're speaking the truth." he leaned closer so I felt his breath against my face. "Because if you're not..." he glared me from head to toe "...then I suggest you do that."

I swallowed hard, hard enough for him to hear and downed my glass of wine. "Good luck with the auction." I said and shoulder checked him on my way to the crowd. I saw Sully speaking with a fit woman and Rafe walking towards them. I decided not to bother them and continued walking closer to the cross.

That'll be ours in few minutes. Suck it Rafe.

"Scusi, principessa." I heard a male voice that I recognized immediately. I turned around and gave him a flirtatious smile. I took a glass of champagne from his plate and he gave me a wink.

Sam was now wearing a red waiter's jacket and carrying a plate full of champagne glasses.

We hear the auctioneer stepping to the stage and starting the auction. "First, we'll bid for the Saint Dismas's cross."

"Guys, you there?" Nathan's voice ringed in my earpiece.

"God damn it, kid, where the hell've you been?" Sully scolded

"I made it. Made a few close calls--"

"If you're gonna cut the power, now would be a good time. Sooner or later, Rafe's gonna walk out here with the cross" I said and started walking towards Sully leaving Sam next to the cross.

"Wait, Rafe's here?" Nathan asked

"Yes, he is here. And as of right now, he has the highest bid." Sam said

"Well, bid against him!" Nathan said

"With what? I don't have that kind of scratch." Sully asked and started arguing with Nate about it.

"For christ's sake." I took the number plate Sully hold and raised it in the air.

"Bene! We have one hundred thousand euros in the room." the auctioneer said. Rafe slowly turned towards me, eyes glaring like he wanted to murder me, and raised the plate he had in his hand. I continued to raise my hand everytime Rafe outbid me.

"Now, Nate, if Rafe calls my bluff, we will be dead, so hurry the fuck up." I said through a fake smile

"I'm on it." Nate said and heard him searching for something in there. Few more bids were made between me and Rafe until I heard Nate's voice again.

"All right, I'm at the switch. You ready?"

"As I'll ever be. Victor? Birdie?" Sam said

"I'm ready. Now, Beth drop the bid." Sully said and gave me a fatherly look

"Just a sec." I grinned and raised my plate

"The young lady's bid: two hundred thousand euros." the auctioneer informed

Rafe raised his plate aggressively and yelled his bid "Five hundred thousand! Let's get this show on the road here." he turned expectantly towards me and I smiled and waved him off.

"Had me worried there for a minute, Elisabeth. Thought I might have to kill you." Everyone laughed at room and I turned my back to Rafe. "Let's ruin this asshole's evening." I said to Nate and Sully shook his head humorously.

Auctioneer informed that Rafe had won the auction, and the second after that, the lights went out. Me and Sully hurried towards the door and Sam went to the other door after he had stolen the cross.

"Tell me Sam you got the cross." Nathan asked

"It's right here. Wanna say hi?" Sam joked

"God, I would've loved to see his face when he saw that his precious cross was gone." I laughed

"No face of Rafe wouldn't be worth to get caught." Sully said with comforting voice.

"So, where's our get away, Sully?" Sam asked through earpiece

"Come to the driveaway out front... just follow the spotlights. Me and Beth will wait there."

We got to the car and not long after that, gun's started to blaze.

"Guess they started the party early." Sully joked and began to drive the car. He began to speed up and I knew he wasn't going to slow down.

"You gonna drive through that, aren't you?" I said and hold on to my seat. We drove through a tall bush breaking a statue on our way too.

"Someone call for a limo?" Sully said. Nathan and Sam ran to the car, and as soon as they were inside we drove away from the estate.

A/N: Wuhuuu!! They have thw cross!
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Lots of Love,

Violet O.

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