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"I don't like this." I say as we walk down the stairs.

Sam chuckles "You don't like this?" he echoes and raises his eyebrows in question "I thought you liked walking in a cold and dirty stony palace full of skeletons."

"No. That's just your home." I say and Sam laughs. "This is way worse than that."

"Okay, people!" Rafe announces. "Quit with the chit-chat and lead me to my treasure, Drake!"

"Your treasure..." Sam mumbles and breaths out a laugh. 

"Well it sure isn't yours either." I say in a sassy way, while I keep walking down the narrow route.

"Beth." he says

I turn to him

"Are you ready?" he asks, and I nod silently. He lowers his voice, and we both eye on other mercenaries "As soon as I say, run."

"What's the plan?" I whisper

"I'm gonna trick them into thinking the treasure is somewhere else." he says "While they are walking through the traps Avery put out there, we have the chance to run away."

"And get the treasure?" I ask but Sam doesn't say anything. I figured after all this we would be the ones to get the treasure.

"Sam?" I say. 

He clears his throat and tries to avoid me. Has he changed his mind?

I pull on his arm, so he is facing me "Sam?"

He looks to the ground between us and avoids my eyes.

"We're not gonna get the treasure?" I ask with furrowed brows.

He sighs and caress my arm. "No." he says 

"It's too dangerous, Beth." finally he lifts his eyes from the ground to meet mine. He tries to look okay, but I see how disappointed he really is about not getting the treasure. And more importantly I see, how he is scared for me. I see how he cares for me so much that he would forget about the treasure he has been hunting for over 15 years.

"HEY!" Rafe yells. "What did I say about quitting the chit-chat?"

We turn to face Rafe, while staying silent.

Rafe rolls his eyes "Where to next, Drake?" he says

Sam straightens up "To left." he says and turns to look at me. "We are close to the treasure."

"Brilliant." Rafe smirks and keeps walking.

We wait for a while for the others to keep on walking to the direction Sam said. When he starts to breath heavily, I take his hand. At first he is completely still, but then he adjusts himself to my touch.

"Hey," I hear a mercenary inform "Come take a look at this."

I eye on Sam and he tightens his grip on my hand

We listen, as they carefully start to walk toward something.

And then we hear a bang.

"NOW!" Sam yells and we start running to the way we came from. As we reach the stairs again, we close the stairs.

"What the heck was that?" I ask as I try to catch my breath.

"Those..." he starts "Were exploding mummies."

"They were---" a loud bang interrupts us and we quickly head toward the window and jump.


A/N: Hello! Back from my big break again :D! 

I just wanted to thank you all for the amazing feedback and support :3 <3

I don't have school anymore, so I can finish this story, yey! :D

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Lots of Love

Violet O.

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