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A bright light shined to my face, as I was beginning to wake up, and as I was starting to get up, a wave of pain in my brain rushed through me. I winced and held my head with one hand, as one was supporting me in a sitting position.

"Seems like you finally woke up." a familiar male sound said to me. His shadow came closer, and as I turned around, the pain in my brain came to severe.

"Rafe?" I said with a dry voice.

"Beth. We shall meet again." he grinned and kneeled down holding a gun in his right hand. "Now, I assume you're not here alone. So where are the others?" he asked. I tried to collect my memory of what happened before. Boat. Rain. Thunder. Ship... Nathan... Sam...

I began to breathe heavier "I---I don't know." I answered honestly.

Rafe shoved the gun to my head "I'm not playing any games, Hunter. I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where. Are. The others?" with each word he pushed the gun more strongly against my head.

Remember when I said, that I wasn't afraid of Rafe? I take that back. I am afraid of him. He is full of poison, and he is the most terrifying man I've ever met.

As I was opening my mouth to speak, Nadine ran to Rafe and I, and it made Rafe sigh with frustration and stand to face Nadine.

"They're here." Nadine informed out of breath. Rafe nodded his head and waited for a while.

"Well, what are you still standing there? Go get them!" Rafe yelled to Nadine and she looked startled.

"Why won't you go after them, since you're the one who is so---"

"Look. I already have Hunter to take care of. I cannot do everything." he said matter-of-factly. 

Nadine took a deep breath and stormed out from us.

After that Rafe turned to me, and hit me to my head with the butt of his gun. I screamed in pain as I stumbled to the rough ground. "That's for taking my cross." he kneeled next to me and lifted my arm so I was watching him straight in the eye.

"You know, I could kill you right now, Hunter." he waved the gun towards me "But I still need you." he yanked my arm that threw me to the ground. He said something to the mercenaries, then after a loud bang, he ran away. Some guy stuffed a cloth in my mouth and tied my hands behind my back, then he took my arm and pushed me further.

I heard that Rafe spoke to someone faintly. Then I heard a gun fire and Rafe yelling. "Bring her here!" he yelled and the guy pushed me while I wiggled in his hands. 

"Don't worry Nadine, it's not their style." Nadine mocked Rafe as she picked her gun from the ground. I'm assuming Nadine was held at gun point, but by who?

"I didn't think he had it in him." Rafe shrugged. He..?

I started to scream, which was muffled by the cloth in my mouth, as I was dropped to another's mercenaries feet.

Rafe raised my head from my neck and as soon as I adjusted to the sun light, I saw them. Nate and Sam. They were alive. I started to wiggle more, and tried to scream, but the mercenary hold me back.

"Beth." Nathan said, half relieved half concerned. Sam was holding to his stomach and laying on the ground, but as soon as he heard Nate say my name, his head snapped to my direction.

"Beth!" Sam said and tried to come for me, but Rafe pointed the gun to Sam.

"C'mon, Rafe," Nathan said breathlessly "You're a businessman. Let's just work out a deal," he helped Sam to stand from the ground as he stared at me with wide eyes. "But first, let Beth go, she isn't part of all this." Nathan said desperately, but keeping a professional manner of an approach.

Rafe laughed "I think Hunter has a very large part of this. She was with you when you stole my cross." he yelled and punched me to my stomach.

I fell to the ground trying to gasp for air, but the pain was too much. Rafe pulled the cloth out of my mouth. I took sharp and shaky breaths while facing the ground. "Do you deny it, Hunter?" Rafe asked and I shook my head.

"See?" he pointed at me. "At least she's honest." he looked at me one more time before giving the mercenaries a sign to threw me to Nathan and Sam.

"But, a deal?" Rafe grinned  "Oh yeah, I'd love to hear what you have in mind." he said while kicking Sam to the ground. I screamed, and muffled a sob. "Go ahead. I'm listening."

Nathan helped Sam on his feet once again, then he untied me. "Okay... you wanna find Avery's treasure? We'll help you find it."

"And in exchange, I let you live?" Rafe questioned.

"Yeah... that and a small cut." Nate said. "Just enough to get him his freedom, okay?"

Rafe looked startled "His freedom?"

Sam tried to stop Nathan, but he continued "He did our time. And Hector Alcazar, who broke him out, Sam owes him a lot of money."

"Whoa. What the hell are you talking about, Nate? Alcazar died in a shootout in Argentina like six months ago."

"I thought so too, but---" I tried to speak, but Rafe cut me off

"No. I'm the one that got Samuel out."

Both me and Nathan turned to Sam. He lied to us? No. It can't be. Rafe looked amused as he realized the situation.

"Sam," Rafe sounded like an angry father "what kind of story did you cook up? Alcazar? Really? You lied? You lied to your baby brother and to your girl?" he chuckled.

Rafe told us how he was the one who bribed the prison warden to let Sam out. How there was no break out. That Sam had been helping Rafe for over two years before coming to us. 

"Sam, care to refute?" Rafe said.

I stood up and I watched Sam. I couldn't believe it.

"Look---" he started

"Aw, Sam." Nate said. He was just as broken as I was.

"Listen, Avery's treasure was ours." he spoke to Nathan. "It was always ours." Sam tried to explain, but Nate pushed him away from him.

"NO! I left my life for you!" Nathan looked at me. "We left our life for you." he shouted.

Sam furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. "Beth... I--"

"No, Sam." I said through my tears. "I don't wanna hear it." I turned my back to him. I couldn't watch him anymore. I thought I trusted him.

Rafe on the other hand, looked like he was watching a comedy show happening here and clapped his hands.

"You know, Sam. I was really pissed off when you duped me. But it's all behind us now, so..." he shrugged.

"You don't deserve it." Sam said

"And you do?" Rafe challenged.

Nadine stepped in "Rafe," she started  "End this, or I will." Nadine said.

Rafe sighed deeply "Well, you heard the lady."

"Wait!" I yelled and turned around to face them all. "You need us, Rafe. Admit it. Without us you wouldn't even be here right now." I said with proud voice. Rafe kept his gun aimed for a while, then lowered it down.

"Well... you're half right." he breathed out a laugh. "I only need Sam." he pointed his gun to Nathan and while we all begged, Rafe pulled the trigger. But Sam managed to slide in front of Nathan, and the bullet hit him on the shoulder. Nathan felled from the cliff and I ran to the edge

"Nathan!!" I screamed, and saw how he hit his head to a large rock, and land into river. "No!! Nathan!!" I screamed and sobbed, and then I felt a pain in my head and I lost my consciousness. Again.


A/N: The truth is out! 

Plus, thoughts on the encounter with Rafe? ;D

Feel free to vote and comment :3!

Lots of Love,

Violet O.

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