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"Thanks." Sam said as we walked through the forest to Avery's treasure.

"For what?" I asked.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to me.

"For coming with me."

"Of course I did, Sam." I said and stepped closer to him. "I know how much this treasure means to you. Heck. You've been dreaming about this for fifteen years." I gave a small smile "This is the least I could do." I said and began to walk again

"Whoa whoa, what?" Sam asked "The least you could do? You owe me nothing"

"I do, Sam." I said and stopped walking again "If I had been more perseve I would have found out you were alive and I would've come and get you out of that hell hole."

Sam looked at me confused

"I mean sure. Every single sign told me that you were dead. But if I had looked closer--" at this moment my eyes started to burn. I couldn't get any more words out. Because the more I thought about Sam in the prison, alone, the more I felt helpless.

"Hey, hey... Don't think like that, okay?" Sam consoled. "It wasn't your fault I spent time in there. Even if I wanted to get out I couldn't." he said "Maybe you would've never gotten me out of there if you knew I was alive."

"Of course we would've" tears started falling from my eyes. "We would have done anything to get you out of there. Me and Nate" I marked.

"But I'm here now right?" Sam spread his arms "And I'm alive." he sighed "So what is the big deal?"

"I just..." I started "I don't know. Maybe I feel quilty about it or something." I shrugged

Sam looked heavy-hearted as he looked at me.

"You have no reason to feel quilty about it." he said "You didn't leave me there, did you?"

"Well I mean--" I started but Sam continued

"You didn't shoot me, did you?" he challenged.

"Well, no but--"

"You never intented to leave me there, right?" Sam said

"No, Sam---"

"So that's it." he declared "You have no reason to feel quilty about it."

I looked at him for a long moment and then sighed.

"I guess you're right." I said

"I know I am." he said "Now... should we continue our walk before Rafe gets to the treasure."

I nodded and we continued walking.

"How was your life in there?" I asked and saw how the question threw Sam off a bit. "I mean... did you at least have a decent time?"

He thought for a while "Some days were good. Some weren't the best." he shrugged "Some days guards were a little bored and some days they didn't care much about us." he said.

"They didn't beat you, did they?"

"At first, yeah" he stated "I mean, I was one of the people who had killed the guard so they didn't like me that much." he smiled "Though I was very popular name amongst other prisoners, so they left me alone."

"What about your cellmates?"

"They were cool, didn't do much. All it mattered that I wasn't on their side and they weren't mine." he said

We walked silently the rest of the way and when we got to the cave, we saw Henry Avery's ship.

"Holy shit." I said in awe

"Holy shit is about right." Sam said and a grin spreaded across Sam's face. "That bastard really didn't want anyone to find this"

I laughed "Yup." I said and started browsing our insights "All we need is a boat or something to get there." and as a cue, we heard a boat coming to the cave.

"Shit." Sam hissed and pulled me to cover. He watched over the rock and then turned back to me "Rafe's here."

A/N: Hello loveys! The story is about to reach its end :3 hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed making it (when I've had the time and motivation :"D)

Feel free to like and comment! :3

Lots of Love, Violet O.

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