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I stopped in my tracks. Before I realized anything, I was lying on the floor on my side.

A major pain hit my thigh and my skin was soaked with warm liquid.

"You bastard!" I yelled and kicked Rafe to his crotch with my working leg from the ground and started backing up.

Rafe screamed and hold to his private area. He then wobbled to the corner of the treasure room and stayed there.

I dragged myself next to Sam and tried to lift the wooden blank, but without making progress.

"Come on! Come on!!" I yelled. But still, the pole didn't move.

All of a sudden the door shot open. Through the smoke I didn't see who it was, but then he raised his gun and realized. It was Nate.

Rafe upholstered his gun too and he walked slowly from the cloud of smoke

"Where are Sam and Beth?" Nate asked

"Here, Nate!" I said and coughed. The smoke was filling the boat quickly and it got harder and harder to see anywhere and the gunwound on my leg bleeded more and more.

Nate looked at us and when he saw Sam he screamed his name.

"Relax, he's alive." Rafe said nasally. "Y'know, these idiots nearly got us all killed."

"Rafe, you can have the treasure" Nate said "Just let me save my brother and Beth" he pleads and coughs. "We stay here any longer and we're all dead."

The smoke filled the room and the flames started to get bigger every second.

"Nadine?" Rafe demanded and she entered the room with a gun.

"Hand it over." she said to Nate and he gave her the gun.

"You really think you can trust him?" Nathan asked.

"Not your concern." she answered.

"Look, Nate. I don't screw over my partners." Rafe started. "You and your brother, right from the start, took advantage of my generosity. You tried to cut me out and it's high time you learned--"

He stops when Nadine points her gun at him.

"Now you give me your gun." she said

Rafe scoffs but gives her the gun.

She backs up to the door and speaks "Everyone obsessed with this treasure... gets what they deserve." she said "Whether you die or not, I don't really care."

"Nadine... wait--!" Rafe pleads while she is closing the door

"So long, Rafe." she says and closes the door.

While Rafe cursed Nadine, Nate came and tried to help me with Sam. But in no use.

More fire bursted out while Rafe picked up a sword from the floor.

"I'm not going to be able to enjoy one of these coins knowing..." he swings the sword around "that you, your worthless brother and that little bitch are still sucking air."

A/N: A little shorter chapter for today, but the next chapter is gonna be a full actionista :D

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Lots of Love Violet O.

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