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We opened the front door, and right away the mercenaries put up a bunch of furnitures so no one else could come here.

We walked through the place together, minus few soldiers, and finally got to a room. It was filled with furniture and wonderful pieces like in 15th century. Surprisingly Rafe let us walk freely around the room. Maybe he was confident enough that his soldiers would catch us if we tried to run away.

"Birdie," Sam started but quickly continued "Beth." he pulled me closer to a corner of the big room. He turned me over so I was facing the wall and started working on my handcuffed arms.

"What are you doing, Sam?" I say and try to turn over, but Sam doesn't let me. "If Rafe notices---"

"But what if he doesn't?" he says and steps even closer.

He is so close to me that I can feel his breathing on my sweaty neck. "Listen," Sam started "I'm gonna uncuff you, and then we're going to trick Rafe and his men to the treasure."

I almost get carried away how soothing his voice and his breath is on my skin, but I keep listening.

"I've checked our run away from this palace." he takes something from his pocket and begins to work on my hands once again.

He lights his lighter and burns my handcuffs off from my hands. Out of reflex, I start to massage my wrists while still facing the wall.

"Beth?" Sam says carefully. I turn around and lean my back against the wall. "Do you trust me?"

I watch him for a breath before I spill out my answer

"No." I say reluctantly.

The last hope I saw in Sam's eyes is gone. He crumbles completely in front of me, as I say my answer. My honest answer.

"But that doesn't mean I'm against your get away plan." I continue

He lifts his wandering eyes from the floor to me.

"But what if someone comes here while searching for us?"

"Someone..." he says "like Nate? You think he's alive?"

"Of course he is." I smile shyly to him "He survives anything."

He nods and shows me his lighter. We walk for a few steps, as he carefully drops it to the ground.

"Now what?" I ask

He smiles deviously at me and shouts "Hey! We found something!"

He turns the globe that is sitting on a desk and stairs immerge right beside us. "Get ready, Beth."


A/N: After the LONGEST break ever, I'm here again! :D I've had stressful times lately and wasn't able to continue on writing this story. I also found out that my grammer is getting a little better, which I noticed when I was reading my old texts, so I'm going to be editing this story's grammer once I've finished this!

Feel free to vote and comment :3!

Lots of Love,

Violet O.

~Man of Fortune~ (Samuel Drake fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now