~Extra chapter~

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Ever wondered how the epilogue went from Sam's point of view? Read this extra chapter about the night after finding Avery's treasure.

"Goodbye." she said and walked away from me.

I couldn't open my eyes, because if I would it would make this real. That she's not here anymore and that we'll never be anything. 

And I don't blame her. I was gone for 15 years. 13 if I hadn't helped Rafe to find Avery's treasure. Or if I would've not lied to her and Nathan...

I heard the foots steps that walked away from the wooden deck and then another pair of feet coming towards me. 

I opened my eyes and saw Victor standing next to me with his cigar between his fingers. 

"Got a light?" he asked and I fished my lighter from my pocket. 

"So... Victor," I started "What's next for you?" I asked. 

He chuckled lightly. "Well, before I got dragged into this... I was working on a business deal of sorts."

"Of sorts?" I echoed "Dangerous?"

"With these people. It's up there." Well now I'm interested

"Well, I just so happen to know a certain someone -- recently out of prison -- who might be perfect for this kind of work." I said casually

"Is he trustworthy?" Victor asked

"More or less." I hadn't given a very good impression of myself during this trip. First I didn't try to reach Nathan or Beth when I got out. Then I lied about me being in a huge debt to Hector Alcazar. Who, by the way, had died half a year ago. 

I lit my cigarette as Victor asked.

"How's his Portuguese?"

"Umm..." I thought "Quando o seu marido volta para casa?" I mind as well humor him.

"What's that mean?"

"How long before your husband gets home?" We both shared a laugh.

"So..." Victor started "You're not going to Beth?" he raised his eyebrow. "I'm not saying you'd be the best for her but..." he sighed "she seems to care for you."

"She does?" I asked surprised. 

He shrugged "I mean if that kiss you shared says the other then I don't know."

I smiled "You were lurking on us?"

"Kinda hard not to when you're standing in the middle of the harbor." he said and I chuckled.

"Well... she is amazing." I smiled "She's... perfect. Funny, beautiful, smart..." I trailed off. 

I cleared my throat. "But you know. She's settling down. She's not going to start travelling the world. She's done that already." 

"Have you asked her?"

"What?" I asked

He sighed "You're never gonna get that girl if you think she is coming to you."

"Wait...what?" I asked once again.

"I'm saying you need to be the one to make the first move." he said

"Wait..." I started "What?"

"For fuck's sake." he mumbled "She is too afraid to tell you how she feels because then, it would make her feel like she is holding you back." he explained "You spent fifteen years in Panama. Of course she expects you to wanna explore the world and she wouldn't wanna be in your way."

~Man of Fortune~ (Samuel Drake fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now