Chapter 3: Success

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A successful businessman learns how to achieve his money, relatively for it to be given to him freely. Success is not a matter of mastering subtle or sophisticated theory, but rather of embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. They said that education is the key to success. Well I disagree to that statement. Being successful doesn't necessarily has to revolve around having a good education. I believe that once you have the will to do something, and you're earnest and determine to do it, there will you then find true success. Education is just there to make us look more flamboyant. Every great and profitable leader was once a pupil. No matter how much you think you are the brightest of them all, no one goes through life being successful without the help of another. We often tell ourselves that we will never become successful in life whether because of our skin colour, or because of our religion. If you are determined enough to chase after that which you seek and be persistent in achieving it, then there is nothing that will ever stop you from achieving that dream. When you are successful, you now have the power to change the world and make a difference in society. Take Bill gates for example. He feared that the success of Microsoft would be a waste of time, but you know what he didn't do? He did not give up and think that it wasn't possible. He gave it his all with determination and persistence and also the help of others. Well I'm sure you all know what the end result is already. The number one key to being successful is to stick to something that you enjoy doing. Do not look for a easier way how to make a quick amount of cash, because that can be sometimes very disappointing. Doing something that you love allows you to work harder and still enjoy the work you do. You know what you call that right there? That's true success. Being successful also requires an ambitious mind. Without an ambitious mind, one can never undergo a successful future. Quit trying to build reputation. Rather build a level of good character that is able to withstand even under pressure; the way to do that is to be you. Stop trying to do something way out of your reach just to please people. Being successful is not about what others say you should do, but it's what you are happy doing and how it can make you be a better person in the process.

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