Chapter 36: Giving love another try

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I'm sure most of us have had our hearts broken at least once in our lives before. And we promised ourselves that we will never become another victim of love and it's trap. Heartbreak can come in many forms and from many people. As long as we love, there is always the possibility of getting our hearts broken. We all know we are going to die one day, yet that doesn't stop us from living, does it? Then why do we let one bad experience define our future relationships? Just as how each person are different, each relationship are different, too. Why make yourself or someone else pay for the actions of another? I know how devastating it feels to have their heart broken to the point of giving up completely, but that didn't stopped me from loving again. It might have stopped me temporarily, but not permanently cause I know that there is someone who will love me in the way I want them to. If your ex doesn't see your worth, he or she is not worth the second chance. Trust that there are many potential partners in the world who will recognize your worth, and would never let you slip out of their hands. Believing you are worth it will help you stand up to an ex who missed the piece about just how valuable you were. Do not jeopardize yourself of being happy in love. Love is not a bad thing. Love is not something to fear. If you allow trust to be the number one source in your relationship, then there's nothing to worry about. Trust is what keeps you to continue loving. Also be sure to have Christ in the center of your relationship. "A family that prays together, stays together." Go ahead and give love another try. You'll be amazed by what comes your way. For I sure am!

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