Chapter 23: How do I develop a relationship with God?

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Developing a relationship with God requires for you to read his word with understanding. You will never be able to develop a relationship with God only by trying to have a conversation with him and not read his word. The Bible tells us in John 15:7, that if we abide in him, and his words abides in us, we can ask whatever our hearts desires, and it will be done for us. The phrase abide in him pictures an intimate, close relationship, and not just a superficial acquaintance. Many Christians have misunderstood Jesus' words where about getting what we want. This misunderstanding occurs because at times we believe it means we can get whatever we want from Him. It doesn't say that. Jesus says that as we abide in Christ and His words abide in us that we then can ask what we wish and it will be done for you. Keeping his commandments also helps you to develop an intimate relationship with him. When we do the things of God, it prevents us from getting tricked by the devil. When I was younger, I was such a disobedient child. I would always talk back when my parents were talking to me, I wouldn't listen when they told me not to do something I shouldn't have done, or even to do something I should have. I was so disobedient that I started to follow bad company at school. I started to curse like the other kids just to look cool. I was also more into girls than I should have with my book, and to tell you the truth, it felt good. There is absolutely nothing that is not of God that doesn't feel good, but were they helping me to draw closer to God? No! Not even close. They were only destroying my life and pulling me further and further away from the unconditional love of God. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:1-3, Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. "Honor your father and your mother which is the first commandment with promise. That it may be well with you, and you shall live long life upon the earth." This verse teaches us that, developing a relationship with God requires for us to obey our parents. It also teaches us that, we can live a longer life only if we practice the ways of being obedient to our parents; not only to our parents, but also the word of God. This verse has played a major role in who I am today. Maybe if I was still disobedient to my parents I wouldn't have been here writing these words. I learned through obedience and the reading of the word of God how to develop a relationship with him. It's not hard. If I did it, so can you. God is love, and his word is everlasting to all who seeks him. Read the word of God, and keep his commandments and see how much your relationship with him will be everlasting.

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