Chapter 11: Patience

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Patience teaches us self-respect, and solidarity. When we are patient, we tend to be more open minded to the possibilities, than that of if we had rushed into it. Sometimes being patient helps you to gain the best quality, and also quantity. The Bible speaks about patience in the book of Proverbs chapter 14:29, where it states, "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick -tempered displays folly." Sometimes what you are enthusiastic about might not be the right time. People who are most successful at living and loving are those who learn to be patient successfully. I'm not saying that you should put your life on hold while being patient, for you can direct your attention elsewhere; we can trust that we do have a life to live while we are waiting — then we go about living it. You will be fulfilled in the best way possible and as quickly as possible, but some things take time. Sometimes, we have lessons to learn first, lessons that prepare us so we can accept the good we deserve. Before you can learn to do a math equation, you have to be patient enough to first learn the formula before rushing into it and getting it incorrect. It is within that moment of being patient, you will realize that it wasn't as hard as it looked. Before I got my first phone, I craved so bad to get one to the point where I'm on YouTube watching videos of the one I wanted. I tried to save up money to purchase the phone, but there was something that was always hindering me from keeping that money; I would always spend it on something else. I then decided that maybe I won't get a phone for now and I took my mind off it. Within that same year in Christmas of 2012, I didn't just get the phone I wanted, but I got the latest one that was more popular and also more expensive and I was even happier, for I was the only person in my class who had that phone at the time. Maybe if I'd got to purchase the one I wanted, I wouldn't get the one I truly deserved. You see, it's not what you want that will make you happy, it's what you deserve, and waiting patiently will help you to get that. People always ask me, how are you so calm? How do you learn to be so genuine and kind? And I would always tell them, I learn to trust God, and I learn to be patient in the process. Do not force and burden yourself to something because your friends has it or has done it, or you think you should get it at that time. Learn to be patient enough to know that no matter how long you have to wait, that when it finally comes, your waiting wasn't in vain. Some of us don't know how to deal with patience relationship wise. Often times when there is a break up, it's not because the person has done something wrong. Relationship is not something you can rush into, it's not a game where you can try it out to see if it works. You have to know how to be patient enough for that person you want to have all the criteria you desire; sometimes the one who fits those criteria's are those we wouldn't think would be qualified. Do not be bullied into anything that doesn't suits you. Do not become apart of a world that goes against everything you stand for. Allow yourself to be treated with the best quality simply by waiting for it. Be patient, and see how what you had hoped for isn't what you truly deserve.

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