Chapter 12: Keeping your promises

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The worst promise you could ever break is that one you made to yourself. We are the greatest thing that will ever happen to us. Believe it. It makes life much easier. As a rule, when we promise ourselves that we'll do something, or promise to stop doing something, we feel it's for our own good. We believe that life will be more satisfying with the change. What we often fail to take into account is that the promise is not just about improving relationships or conditions in one's life, but it's also a test of integrity. A promise to yourself means that you can, and you will. Nothing is too hard to accomplish once you have the will and courage to do it. No matter how hard it may looks at first to stop doing something, whether you have an alcohol addiction, a smoking addiction, a drug addiction you name it; once you made that promise to yourself that you're going to quit doing them, it might take time, but trust me you will get there. Perhaps you can't always predict exactly how your promise will change your outer conditions, but it is 'satisfaction guaranteed' that if you keep your word to yourself, you will feel strong and confident inwardly. Consider your promise a contract with yourself. Be specific about what you intend to do or stop doing. Be definite about the results you expect for keeping your promise. Reflect on why the results are important to you. What are your conditions of successful completion, and what is the value you get; be clear about the importance of this contract.
No one likes a person who doesn't keep their promises. Not even you yourself. We always have been pleasing others, when the truth is, we should've been doing so to ourselves. What people fails to understand is that, when we might be forgiven of a promise that we broke to someone, it is the hardest thing to forgive ourselves for the ones we broke to us. Don't you ever make that mistake of putting others first because it will mess you up in ways that you cannot get comfort of so easily. Keeping promises to ourselves is very critical to self-development. When we practice doing this, it allows us to grow into the person that will learn to have respect and love for others. When a person makes a habit of keeping his promises, he experiences incorruptibility between his thoughts and his feelings. Furthermore, he finds providence moving in unexpected ways, supporting him with his aspirations and aims. Life can be delightfully surprising when we take responsibility for being purposeful with our promises. It is with a cognitive mindset will you learn to keep your promises to yourself. Do not menace your life because you didn't keep that promise to quit. If you really respect and love yourself, keep your promises.

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