Chapter 19: Conquering fear

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Fear is an atrocious disease that will feed on your emotions leaving you to the point of giving up. Fear is recognized as one of the world's number one barrier to success. Learning to conquer your fear takes time, determination, and courage. It is the facing of those fears that will allow you to overcome them. My biggest fear in this world was Mathematics. I feared Math so much that whenever it was time for Math class, my head literally would hurt me. I could not focus in class because no matter what I did, I just wouldn't get it. I made up my mind that I have to learn how to do Math, even if it's not A hundred percent accurate, I will get it. I would always come home and try to do an equation that I will have the most problem with; I would practice that equation until it becomes apart of me to the point where I could be able to do it in a split second. I was determined to learn Math because I knew that it's quite essential and somewhere down the line I would need it whether I like it or not. I got the courage and the will to face it, and it paid off in a magnificent way. I managed to get the third highest in class on my final Math exam at college with an 82 average. It was my determination and courage that allowed me to do such thing. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
You see, when your mind is guarded by the Word of God, you think differently. When the Word of God is allowed to work in your mind, it safeguards your emotions; it defends your mind from demonic assault; and it shields you from arrows the enemy may try to shoot in your direction in order to arouse a spirit of fear inside you. Why is it important for you to understand this? Because when you begin to live a life of faith — when you reach out to do the impossible — the enemy will try to assault you mentally and emotionally in an attempt to stop your progress. For instance, he may speak to your mind, saying things like, You can't do this! This doesn't make sense! Are you crazy? You should just give up, but the word of God said that you should Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Once you are submitted to the word of God and believe that he will never leave you nor forsake you, then our fears will never be able to get the best of us because we have the word to protect us from the path of fear.

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