you like who? (plus jalex)

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we all walked to the stage and the guys went on. i was side stage and ronnie came up to me and said "hey addy." i smiled at him then said "hey ronnie." we talked for a song or two. then andy ran off stage and i handed him his water he kissed my cheek and ran back on stage.

i was looking at andy when ronnie said "you really love him don't you?" i looked at him and said "yes how did you know?" "the way you look at him you can tell." i laughed and said "i guess." ronnie hugged me and said "he looks at you the same way."

i giggle then the guys left the stage. andy ran up to me picked me up and spun me around kissing me.i laughed and kissed him back. he sat me down and said "how was i?" i laughed and said "awful i wanted to rip off my ears" then i kissed him.

he said "hey!" defending him self then kissed me. i pulled away and said "you smell then made a face." he laughed and said "i was on stage." ash came up and said "embrace it!" laughing. i pushed him and laughed. he came up behind me and hugged me.

i turned around and said "see andy he doesnt wear a shirt he dosnet smell so much" then we all laughed. andy said "hey he's there for all the laides i got mine right here" kissing my head. i smiled and said "yes you do" then hugged him i pulled away  "no but really you smell."

he laughed and said "ok then." we all made our way back to the bus. all the guys had already taken a shower ashley was the last one and he was still gone. i walked off the bus to answer a call from eric. "hey addy hows life on the road?" he smirked.

i said "it awesome how life living with your boyfriend?" "gabe is great we where just going to go to our ice-cream place" "no you cant go with out me" i was whinning playfuly. 

he laughed and said "to bad." we talked a little bit more i was walking around then he said "ok addy i got to go now bye i love you." "love you to have fun" then i hung up the phone. i was walking back to the bus when i heard voices i recognized one as ash so i walked towards it.

then i saw him and ben bruce from asking alexandrea talking. i heard ben say "well if you like her so much ask her out." ash said "its not like that she's with andy now." could he like like me? i stopped and hid to listen to them. "i can't take her from him no matter how much i want to plus she dosnt seem interesed" ash said with sadness in his voice.

ben said "come on man your ashley fucking purdy you can get any girl, just fight for her keep sending hints but don't sleep with her if she's with andy." "your right dude" i heard ashley say. i couldn't beleave it he likes me? i walked away then started to walk back to them saying "hey ash."

Ben hit him and said something i couldn't hear. i walked up to them and said "hey ash whats up?" ben said "hey I'm ben." "yeah i know who you are i like your band."  he laughed and said "awesome well i got to go" then left. i said "hey ash walk with me back to the bus?"

"sure!" he said chipper. "what are you doing off the bus?" "just haning out with ben what about you?" "eric called me to shove the fact he's at my favorite place ever." then i laughed. "well if we pass by one we should stop where is it?"

"its cold stone ice cream it amazing." i said smiling "alright i don't like ice cream but i'll have to eat it because i made you eat pizza." ash said smileing

i hit him playfully and said "so refresh my memory who's on warped this year?" well theres us, pierce the veil, asking alexandrea, of mice and men, motionless in white, all time low,... "  "you mean I'm this close to all time low and motionless in white? he laughed and said "want to meet them?"

i smiled and jumped then said "please?" he laughed and said "ok all time low is over there." we walked to the bus talking about all time low then he knocked on the door. rian the drummer answered and said "hey look who's here the purdy man." he laughed and let us in.

"hey rian this is andys girlfriend addy she wanted to meet all time low" ash said. rian said "awesome to meet you one sec." he yelled "alex jack get your asses out here."

i heard some shuffling then alex and jack appeared from the back room. alex said "oh look its purdy." jack said "and some chick." i laughed then ashley said "this is addy andy's girlfriend." i shook there hands and they said "nice to meet you." we talked for a little mostly about there music. then i said "ok so jack and alex i have a question?"

yeah alex said laughing. "is jalex real please say yes." jack laughed then alex said "maybe" then winked at jack. "ok then do me a favor and kiss?" alex bit his lip and looked at jack then jack moved closer to him pulled him in by the hips and kissed him pushing their lips together.

i said "holy shit please make it official already." jack laughed then alex pulled away from him and said "we are official now." i fangirled of a sec then said "hold up" i got out my phone and tweeted just saw alex and jack kiss jalex is real.

then jack laughed and replied "yep jalex forever." we all laughed and talked for a bit then alex said "so addy your who's girlfriend agin ashley's?" i laughed and said "god no I'm with andy." jack said "thats cool, but you said that like dateing ashley would be the worst think ever." 

"i didnt mean it like that, speaking of andy we should get back to the bus." we left saying goodbye. i jumped on ashleys back and said "omg jalex." he laughed and said "so you ship it?" i laughed and said "yes who doesnt jalex is like andley."

he said "god no you realize you just said I'm a good match for your man right?" i laughed and said "yep you had him first so i'll back off if you want" then smiled.we laughed and talked a bit more then i walked on our bus laughing. facing ashley then andy said "addy where were you?"

i looked at him and smiled then said "ash took me to meet all time low and they kissed." andy looked hurt then said "i could have taken you." i walked over to him then kissed him and said "i know i was already with ash though" 

andy sat on the couch and pulled me on his lap the pushed his lips against mine. cc threw a pillow at us and said "get a room you two." we pulled away and laughed then andy picked me up still kissing me and we walked to his bunk. 

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