Before everythingThen a moment pickled
I sat, perhaps just my shadow giant,
At the crossroads.
Up sky-sacked sea a cloud
Hymns hums murmurs aloud
West white lily wish a moon
East blue lotus hope the sun
A spider ajaywards, not any but the spider,
Descending on a single string from the sun,
Through twilight midline;
When the first woman met her first man,
When Pompey drowned drained pharaoh-bound,
More importantly – the spider slipped downdowndown
Only to ask- who are you?
Monsoon frog under cobra-fan my heart
Some fire some shadow salsa body
Iceberg's melt lava pit eyes
Iamers itwasdoners toes
O' unearthed clock buried for a moment!
Moon swallowed
Sun high
Clouds away
Eightlegged ups ups ups
Twilight dilutions shadows small-lighted
Children walk in from the school gates
After everything