Chapter 3

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Seth and I worked a little more and waited for Dean and Roman who finally came to see my next trip.

"Still not getting it, cutie?" Dean asked.

Dean knew about me and Seth. He knew that after he 'kissed' Summer, Seth was there for me. And then eventually Seth and I started developing feelings for each other. That slowly ended when Dean revealed that Summer, in fact, kissed him and he pulled away.

I still worried about Seth. I worried that I hurt him when I just voluntarily went back to Dean. I worried that our friendship would never be the same. Looks like he didn't worry at all.

"Nope." I said to Dean.

"Will I have to carry you down?" He asked.

I smiled, "At least I'd make it down without any bumps and bruises."

"I can give you a piggy back ride." Seth volunteered.

"I think Roman should." I said.

Roman smirked, "In your dreams baby doll."

I tried walking downstairs again, but went really slow in fear of falling. I eventually made it down to the ring.

"I did it!" I announced.

The guys exchanged glances and laughed.

"How do you guys do this?" I asked.

"It's not rocket science, Charlie." Dean said.

"Mean!" I said.

We practiced a little more and then time ran out. We went backstage to get ready for the show.

Tonight was the last Monday Night Raw before Payback. Evolution was taking on The Shield. It had really built up a lot and everyone took a huge liking to The Shield once they started rebelling against the authority.

I was having a match at Payback too.

My formal rival and best friend, AJ, took time off to get ready to be married to former WWE superstar CM Punk. She was gonna be back next month. Her wedding was in a week. I missed having her around. Now I was having a feud with Paige and what better place to prove who the better one was then Payback? She wanted my championship? Come get it.

This Raw was gonna be good! The Shield and Evolution had a contract signing and I had a match against Tamina on Raw.

"Hey Tamina." I said as I saw her getting ready in the corridor.

"Hey C!" She greeted, "Anything new?"

"Um....nothing much. Our match tonight should be interesting." I said.

"Yep. May the better woman win."

"Oh don't worry," I said, "I will."

And I fully planned to. Sure I was much smaller than Tamina, but she didn't realize that it was an advantage.

"In your dreams." She said.

"Also, The Shield has a contract signing." I said.

"That should be interesting." He said.

"Yeah." I said, "Well I'm gonna give AJ a call."

"You two are always on the phone." Tamina said.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with talking to my best friend." I said. I walked down the hallway and dialed AJ's phone number.

"Hey C!" She answered quickly.

"Well, you answered fast." I said.

"I always stay by my phone in case you call." She said.

"Awe, well I just wanted to make sure you were watching." I said.

"I sure am." She said, "Match tonight?" She asked.

"Tamina." I simply said.

"The Shield?" She asked.

"Contract signing." I said.

"Oooh." She said, "That should be......interesting."

"Yep." I said, "So talked to Seth earlier and..."

"Are you and Seth still having weird awkward moments?" She asked.

Over these past few months, Seth and I have had these weird awkward silences and moments. Today was the first time I had actually asked about it.

"Yep." I said, "I finally asked him about them." I said.

"He said not to worry about it cause he's not gonna get in the way of me and Dean." I said.

"And he's with that Jamie chick, right?" She asked.

"Yep." I said.

"And y'all are just having these weird awkward moments?" She asked.

"I just wish we can go back to being the friends that we were before. I mean, he says I can talk to him about anything, but I just don't feel like I can." I said.

I turned and saw Seth down the corridor. His eyes searched around until they landed on me. He smiled and started coming over.

"Maybe he's just....."

"Shhh, he's coming over. I gotta go." I interrupted her before hanging up. "Hey Seth." I greeted.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Uh yeah." I said.

"Who you talking to?" He asked.

"Oh, that was just AJ." I said.

He nodded, "She watching?" He asked.

"Yep." I said.

Once again. Awkward silence.

"So," he finally broke, "uh....Dean's looking for you."

"Thanks." I said.

"I told him I'd come get you." He said, "Hey, you wanna grab a bite in catering?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. I'm starving." I said.

We went to catering. I filled my plate and sat down next to Seth.

"Soo..." I said.

"Ready for your match?" He asked.

"More ready than ever. Ready for your contract signing?" I asked.

"Yep. It'll be....interesting." He said.

"Yeah, that's what everyone is saying." I said. "Should be pretty exciting."

"It looks like everyone's debating whether The Shield and Evolution will get their hands on each other tonight." He said.

"A lot of people doubted you guys. It was really an amazing win you guys had over him at Extreme Rules." I said.

He nodded, "People better start believing in The Shield." He said. "Dude, remember at Extreme Rules when Dean fell down the stairs?" He asked.

"He didn't fall. He was pushed.....or thrown......or whatever you wanna call it." I said. "And you got room to talk. Remember that night on Raw when you tried to jump over the barricade, but fell right on your ass instead?"

"Shut up." He said. "That was a long time ago."

"Not that long." I teased.

"Well, if we're talking about falling, let's talk about you on hose stairs." He said.

"Point proven Seth." I said.

We laughed. It was nice to have these moments again. But then 2 seconds later, we were stuck in the awkwardness of it all.

" better go get ready." I said.

"Yeah." He agreed, "I better call Jamie before the show."

I nodded, "Yeah." I said awkwardly, "You do that."

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