Chapter 29

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Dean drove us home after lunch. He walked AJ and I to our hotel room.

"Maybe we can hang later." He suggested. "Dinner?" He asked.

"Can't." AJ said. "I have plans. Charlie's free though."

Dean looked at me as if to ask for permission. I knew I loved him. I knew I did. Every single time he looked into my eyes this amazing feeling came over me. Even with this small amnesia problem, I still knew I loved him. Guess true love is real.

"Yeah. I'm free." I said.

"I'll pick you up later." He said.

I nodded slowly and walked back into the room.

*author's POV*

Dean went back to his hotel room to see Roman sitting on the couch.

"Hey man." Roman greeted.

"Sup." Dean said simply.

"You alright? Is Charlie doin okay?" Roman asked.

"She's alright. We worked things out." Dean said.

"Dean, honestly, why'd you break up with her? I thought you loved her." Roman said.

"That's the thing, man. I do love her. She keeps getting hurt because of me. How could I do that to someone I love?" He asked.

"Dean, you've gotta stop blaming yourself for all this." Roman said.

Dean plopped on the couch next to Roman. "I just wish things would stop coming between us. It's always something."

"Do you wanna be with Charlie?" Roman asked.

"More than anything." Dean answered.

"Then don't let her down." Roman said.

Dean thought about what he had said. He didn't want to let Charlie down. He cared about her so much. He wasn't gonna let her down.


AJ and Charlie were in their hotel room.

"I'm glad you and Dean are okay." AJ said as she walked into the main room.

"Okay? Our relationship is one big crash." Charlie said as she buried her head in a couch pillow. "If only I could just remember."

"Charlie, you will. You'll remember eventually."

"And what if I don't?" Charlie said, causing silence to fall among them.

AJ took a deep breath. "Ya know, when you first came to the WWE, I remember when all the Divas used to think you were just a little girl who didn't deserve to be in a buisness like this. They thought you were just handed this big opportunity because you were cute and WWE needed a fresh young face. But then you showed them all up when you started training. I remember seeing the looks on their faces when they first saw you train." AJ sat beside Charlie, "But I always believed you worked your whole life to get here. You were an amazing diva. And you didn't care what anyone else thought. That's what I admire about you. You always fight. You're tough. You're strong. You're the Divas Champion for crying out loud. You can get through this."

Charlie nodded, "I think I'm ready to fight."

AJ's eyes widened in shock. "What?"

"I'm strong right? I'm the Divas Champion. I need to fight." Charlie said, grabbing her phone. "I need to call Seth."

"Seth?" AJ said before gripping her phone and pulling it away. "Why the hell would you call Seth?"

"Seth can set a match up for me. He's part of the authority, right?" Charlie asked.

"You're still talking to Seth?" AJ asked.

"Well, yeah." Charlie said simply.

"Dean's not gonna be happy about that." AJ said, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Well...Dean doesn't control my life." Charlie said before taking the phone from AJ and going quickly to her room.

She dialed Seth's number and waited.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey Seth. It's Charlie. We should talk." Charlie said, sitting down on her bed.


"I need you to get me a match." She said firmly.

"Charlie, you're injured. Are you sure you're re....."

"I'm ready." I said, interrupting him. "I'm the divas champion and I've been out for way too long to prove why I'm the champion." She said.

"And're calling me because....."

"I want you to set up a match for me." She said firmly.

"And what makes you think I'd do that for you, sweetheart?" He asked.

"Seth please."

"Ya know what I wanna talk about?" He asked, "I wanna talk about the other night."

Charlie sighed. This was definately a topic she didn't want to talk about.

"I wanna know why you ran away from me." He said.

"Seth, I'm just so confused." Charlie said, "I mean, first of all I barely have a clue who you are. Second, I love Dean."

"How do you know you love Dean, Charlie?" He asked, "You may have loved me. You don't know."

"I know because the connection I have with you is different from with Dean. When I look into his eyes, this amazing feeling comes over me and....I love it." I said.

Seth was quiet for a moment. "And when you look into mine?" He asked.

Charlie paused. She didn't want to hurt him. "I'm sorry. There's just no spark between us."

After a moment, the line went dead.

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