Chapter 22

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"Come on, you can do it." Dean said as Charlie was trying to perform a move in the ring.

"Dean, I don't even know what I'm doing." She said.

"Charlie, you can do this. You've always been able to. Just try." Dean said.

Charlie tried to do Dirty Deeds, but instead, she tripped over her own feet and toppled down.

She looked up from the mat as Dean looked down at her. He smirked and sat down next to her.

"I'm never gonna get this." She said, frustrated.

"Yes you are. Hey, the Charlie I know isn't a quitter." Dean said.

"The Charlie you know lost her frickin memory." She snapped back.

"Okay, okay," he said, putting his hands up in defense, "I get it. I get it. Never piss off a short chick."

She playfully punched his arm. "I'm not short."

He smiled in remembrance of his many short jokes against her. She'd always try to be mad, but would result in giggles. He laughed.

"What?" She asked.

"You always did deny the fact that you were short." He said.

She smiled, "Really?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yeah." He stared at her a little longer. He got lost in her eyes. He was so desperate for her to remember him. To remember what they had. "We should go backstage. I have to get ready."

She nodded, "What exactly do I have to do?"

"Just walk out with me. Maybe a kiss or two. Or three. Or four." He said, getting closer.

"How far you gonna go, Ambrose?"

"How far are you willing to let me?" He said before smashing his lips into hers.

"Well just look at you two."

They both pulled away quickly.

"What the hell do you want?" Dean fiercely asked as he saw Seth standing across from them.

Charlie stood behind Dean and eyed the mysterious man that she had no remembrance of. She figured it was Seth since he matched Dean's description perfectly.

"I just wanted to talk to my friend Charlie." Seth said.

Charlie was confused. Friend? Weren't they supposed to be enemies now?

"Aren't we supposed to be enemies now?" She asked, thinking aloud.......again.

"So this is how it's gonna be." Seth said. "Come on Charlie. Don't be so....."

"Don't talk to her." Dean snapped.

"Oh, since when can't I talk to her?" Seth asked.

"Since you tried to get with her, Seth." Dean said.

"Yeah, ya know what? I did kiss her. And ya know what? I liked it." Seth said, getting in Dean's face as his fists clenched. "And so did she."

Without hesitation, Dean punched Seth. He jumped on top of him and beat the crap outta him.

"DEAN STOP!" Charlie yelled.

He wouldn't stop. She tried to yank Dean off. Dean's hand flew back accidentally and smacked her right in the face.

She was out cold.

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