Chapter 23

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Charlie's POV

My eyes widened. The room became clearer as I saw Dean standing beside.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Trainer's room." He said.

"W-what happened?" I asked.

"I may have gotten in a fight and accidentally hit you in the face. I'm so sorry." He said.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm fine." I said. "You were fighting with Seth. That's what I remember."

"Well at least you didn't lose your memory this time." He said.

I nodded, "Thankfully."...... "So look, I don't know what happened with Seth, but if I did kiss him, I'm sorry."

"I'm sure he kissed you." Dean said.

I nodded, "Most likely." I bit my lip. "Does he know....ya know.....about my injury?" I asked.

"By now? Probably." Dean said.

I nodded. " you have a match tonight?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Dean nodded. "Some say that Triple H has plans for me tonight. But if not, Seth will surely get a visit from me." He said.

I nodded understandingly. "Can we go?" I asked.

Dean nodded. We got permission from the trainer to leave. I played with my ring as we walked out the door.

Dean was silent on our walk to the locker room.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said quickly. He sounded aggravated so I decided to leave it at that.

We got to the locker room. AJ wasn't there. Roman wasn't there. Just me and Dean. I sat down quietly on the couch as he dug through his bag.

I watched him carefully. He took his t shirt off and sat down next to me. He leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes.

I gently placed my hand over his, "I'm sorry. I know this is stressful for you. I'm really trying my best Dean."

His eyes shot open and he looked at me. He took his hand to my cheek and caressed it gently. His fingers smoothly traced along my cheek and around my neck until it was tangled in my hair. He pulled me closer to him.

Before I knew it, his lips were touching mine. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me viciously. My hands were now tangled in his hair.

We heard the door knob rattle. I jumped off of Dean and onto the other side of the couch as Roman walked in. He looked at me and then at Dean.

"You two okay?" He asked.

"We're fine....we were just....."

"Making out if you don't mind." Dean said.

"Dean!" I exclaimed.

"Should I come back later?" Roman asked.

"Yes!" Dean said at the exact same time I said, "No." We both looked at each other and then back at Roman.

"Well....sorry to interrupt, but..."

"You didn't interrupt anything, Roman." I said quickly interrupting.

"Oh I'm sorry," Dean said, turning to me, "did you lose your memory again?" Wow. That stung. He turned back to Roman. "Really man, I haven't gotten to make out with my girlfriend for like....weeks."

"Sorry man." Roman said apologetically. "I'll just go."

"No, Roman. Stay. It's fine. I have to....go find AJ anyway." I said. "She needs to explain to me how this whole thing works."

"Even though I've already explained it like a thousand times." Dean protested.

My jaw dropped, "Dean, can I speak to you? Alone?" I asked.

"Oh really? Now you wanna be alone with me?" He asked. I didn't say a word. "Okay fine."

We walked out the room and shut the door behind us. We walked slowly down the hall. Minutes of silence passed by. Then I slowly grabbed his hand and slipped my fingers through his.

"So what's goin on?" I asked quietly.

He pulled his hand out of mine and leaned against the wall.

"Why were you saying all those things?" I asked. No answer. "Dean what's wrong?" I asked sternly, hoping for an answer. Nothing.

I shook my head and turned to walk away in anger.

"You always do that when your angry." He finally said.

I stopped and turned back around.

"You'd crinkle your nose up and stomp your little foot. It's one of the things I love so much about you." He said.

"Why are you being such a jerk today?" I asked.

He sighed, "I just....I'm trying so hard. I'm trying so hard to make you remember, but nothing's working." He said. "You don't remember me. You don't remember Roman. You don't remember Seth. You don't even remember AJ."

"That's not my fault, Dean."

"I know. It's mine." He said.

I sighed. "Don't do this. Don't do this again. Don't blame this on yourself."

"What am I supposed to do, Charlie?" He asked.

"I don't know. It's only been a few days, Dean. Don't do this now." I said.

"Ya know that night.....I said I didn't need you." He said. "The truth is....maybe you don't need me."


"Maybe you're better off without me. I mean, I obviously can't protect you. You were in the trainer's room because of me. I hit you, Charlie. This....all's my fault."

"Don't say that!" I said. "Don't do this, Dean."

"Charlie, I've realized that I do need you. But you don't need me." He said.

"YES I DO!" I yelled. I went up to him and grabbed his wrists. "Stop it! Stop. Dean, please."

"Listen. I love you. But just look at everything I've done to you. I wanted this to be different. I wanted our relationship to be different from the past. I didn't want to treat you like crap."

"You don't!" I said.

He shook his head and grabbed my hand. "Listen Charlie, I can't do this anymore. I can't keep hurting you."

Tears filled my eyes. "What are you saying?" He stared into my ready eyes. "What? Do you wanna break up? You're gonna leave me? You're just gonna leave me like this?" I asked.

"Charlie, I love you. But you're better off without me." He said.

He kissed my forehead. Tears strolled down my cheeks as he walked away. No! No! He wasn't gonna do this to me. Not now.


He turned around quickly. "I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU, CHARLIE." He screamed. "I'VE HURT YOU TOO MUCH!"

"And when I need you the're gonna hurt me again." I cried.

He looked straight into my eyes and didn't say a word. I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. After everything. After everything he'd told me we'd been through.

"FINE!" I yelled in his face. I took the ring off my finger, "You can take your stupid ring back." I said, throwing it at him.

Tears streamed down my face. He gently picked it up from the ground and examined it.

I guess this was the end of me and Dean.

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