Chapter 13

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It was time. Our theme played and we walked out. We all got in the ring and grabbed microphones.

Dean grabbed a microphone and smirked, "How do we look?" He asked. "Cause we feel great. Bruised, beaten up for sure. Cause last night we faced our biggest challenge to date. A No Holds Barred Elimination match against Evolution." I smiled as he went on, "We did exactly what we said we were gonna do. A clean sweep, we eliminated every single member of Evolution without suffering a single casualty. Now THAT is what I call DOMINATION!" He dropped the microphone and came over to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and smirked.

"Adapt or perish, that was the whole deal, right?" Seth asked. "Last night at Payback, The Shield adapted while Evolution perished! And earlier tonight, the whole world was a whiteness to their implosion. And the reason Evolution perished was because even though they are three of the greatest superstars in the history of this industry, last night, they were not one like The Shield. In the end, they were just three strangers who happened to be standing on the same side of the ring."

Roman put his hand on Seth's shoulder, "They weren't brothers." He said into the mic. "The men standing in this ring are brothers." He looked over at me, "And the adorable little girl standing in this ring is our sister." Roman said. I smiled. "This is Evolution." Roman put his hand up showing gaps between his five fingers. "This is The Shield." He clenched his fingers into a fist to show how tight The Shield is. "So Randy Orton bring your ass out here and let me break your jaw with the symbol of excellence." He said before throwing the microphone behind him.

Evolution's theme song hit and Triple H accompanied Randy Orton. Triple H had a sledge hammer. Oh gosh.

Seth, being the ninja that he is, went through the ropes to get two chairs. He put a chair by the turnbuckle and kept one in his hand.

"Good job Ninja." I said.

He smiled, "Thanks sweetheart. They don't stand a chance against us." He told me.

I stood by Seth and Triple H started blabbing on. "In case you haven't figured it out yet, what I do better than anybody is adapt. Last night was plan A. Tonight," he examined his sledge hammer, "plan B. There's always a plan B." He said.

I looked at Seth. He nodded. I nodded back. Dean and Roman stepped up. Seth stayed back with the chair.

I looked at him, "What are you doing?" I asked. He looked at me and smirked.

He hoisted the chair up and hit Roman straight in the back.

"OH MY...." I was shocked.

What? What the...? Wh-how-who.....huh?

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. Dean had the same reaction on his face. What the hell was happening?

Dean didn't even realize until he saw Roman on the ground. He quickly jumped back. He looked down at Roman, then Evolution, then at Seth.....then back down Evolution....then back at Seth.

"What the fu...." He mouthed before getting hit with the chair himself.

I quickly got out the ring. What the hell was happening? Seth hit Dean....and then again.....and then again......and then again and again and again. Now Roman was clearly two feet away and Seth was just destroying Dean. I couldn't save him. I was too shocked. Seth broke the frickin chair over him. He threw it out of the ring and I had to run out of the way to avoid it hitting me. Then he got the good chair that was by the turnbuckle.

My mouth was dropped all the way to the floor when Seth curb stomped Dean onto the chair. The hell?

What about the whole 'We're Brothers' speech?

He took the chair and carried it out of the ring to Randy. He handed it to him.

Randy then went into the ring and started beating on Roman.

He looked over at me. I didn't think twice before running. I ran around the ring and then remembered that Seth was there with Triple H. I froze in confusion and fear......but mostly fear.

"Seth no! You can't do this!" I exclaimed. Randy started to get out the ring. "Seth please!"

Then, to my surprise, Seth stepped in front of Randy. "Don't hurt her. It's not worth it. I guarantee you, she won't be bothering you again." He said.

Randy nodded and continued his beat down on Roman.

I ran backstage. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know what to do.

"Charlie, Charlie, stop!" Emma appeared in front of me.

"Seth...he, he, he went with Evolution. I, I just don't know what's going on." I said. I saw the Divas lockerroom. "I need to get some stuff out my locker." I said.

I went to the Divas locker room and got my gear. I went to The Shield's locker room. Roman and Dean weren't there. They were probably in the medical room.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it frantically to see Seth.

"What the hell do you want?" I yelled at him.

"Whoah, no 'Thanks Seth, you saved my ass out there.'?" He asked.

"Why the hell would I thank you? What the hell was that out there?"

"I just came to get my stuff." He said.

"Get it and go." I said, holding the door open.

He came in and grabbed his bag off the floor. When he turned around, I slapped him across the face. I don't even know what came over me.

"You son of a bitch!" I snapped.

He looked at me. "Don't you ever do that again." He said sternly.

I tensed up and he walked out. That? That was it? That can't be it. "Seth!" I called out. He started walking faster everytime I called his name, "Seth!"

No answer, "Seth!" No answer, "SETH!"

He spun around quickly, "WHAT?"

"What the hell was that out there? You just destroyed the best faction ever." I said.

"The only person that needs to know why is me." He said before turning around again and walking away.

"No, No, No!" I said. I ran in front of him, stopping him, "What the hell is your problem Seth? You just turned your back on your brother's. WHY?"


I froze. What did he want? "What do you want?" Great job speaking aloud, Charlie.

He didn't say a word. He pulled me into him and kissed me. I pushed him back quickly. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Months Charlie. For months I've held it in. For months I've tried to forget about it. I've tried to hide it. But now I don't have to feel guilty for wanting what I want." He said.

"The creative team chick?" I asked.

"Oh there is no creative team chick. I made her up. It's you Charlie. Now I don't have to feel guilty for wanting you." He said.

"But.....Seth I...."

"The Shield's over, Charlie." He said.

"That doesn't change anything. All it means is that you're a scumbag. You thought turning your back on the guys would change anything between us?" I asked, "It doesn't. It doesn't change the fact that I'm in love with Dean. I'm in love with him and I'm going to marry him." I said.

He closed the gap between us and bent down low to whisper in my ear, "We'll see about that."

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