2. To Be or Not to Be

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Leonard and Mick scowled at the address in the professor's hand. They agreed to write it down, but neither really seemed as though they particularly cared to join the mission.

Atom glanced around at everyone, as he entered the address into a small keypad on his suit's arm. "So what do you think?"

"I think that's five minutes of my life I'm never getting back," Snart grumbled.

Stein blinked. "He just showed us the entire world in flames! You can't turn your back on that!"

"Observe," Snart told him. Then, he turned and walked away, heading towards the door that would allow him to get off the roof. Rory wasn't far behind him.

Atom nodded, as he watched them go, hands on his hips. "I think we can all agree the mission will go a lot smoother them gone."

"I haven't signed on yet," Blondie said.

Deserey nodded. "Me neither."

"And I'm not signing on at all!" Sporty Guy huffed.  

Stein frowned. He started to say, "Jefferson --"

"No," Sporty Guy, Jefferson, interrupted. "I'm not going off to die in some apocalyptic future. I'm staying right here in the present." He pointed down at his feet with a rough gesture, to make it abundantly clear. Then, he turned and walked away. (Though it was in the opposite direction the criminals had gone, leaving Deserey to wonder just how many doors were on this roof. How did everyone know where to go to get off? They didn't even know where they were a few minutes ago.)

"Let me talk to him," Stein said. He followed Jefferson.

Deserey glanced around at the others. Mr. Hall and Kendra were standing by the edge of the roof, away from everyone else, talking quietly to one another. She walked over, curious what they thought about this whole time travel business.

They seemed to be in the midst of an argument. Kendra had her arms folded over her chest, a deep frown on her face, as she listened to Mr. Hall.

"Two hundred six times," he was saying. "Savage has killed both of us, two hundred six times!"

"Yeah," Kendra shot back. "And I'm not too eager about making it two hundred seven!"

"Running away never solved anything," he reasoned. "And we've almost defeated him with help before."

"Almost, Carter. Almost," she repeated, her voice low, stoic.

Deserey was secretly happy that Kendra used his first name. Even if she didn't join the team with them, she hated referring to people by their last names. It was too official. Too professional. Professionalism was for family Christmas parties and and business trips.

Carter sighed, turning to Deserey as he spotted her approaching. Kendra turned to see her as well.

"Hi," Deserey said. "Sorry."

"No," Kendra shook her head. "It's okay."

Deserey shoved her hands in her pockets, as a cool breeze wafted over her, making her shiver. "So, I take it you guys are on the fence too?"

Kendra shook her head. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. Desrey frowned, noting how the pose made her look precious, like a doll.

"It's more complicated than that," Kendra told her.

"More complicated than meta humans running around all over Central City?" Deserey challenged.

Kendra paused for a moment. She titled her head to the side, looking thoughtful for a moment. "Touché."

Carter nodded. He went on to explain how exactly their reincarnations worked. (It wasn't as fun as Doctor Who made it look.) Apparently, during the Ancient Egyptian times -- in their first life -- Carter had been Prince Khufu (which Deserey thought was interesting. She was a bit of a history buff) and Kendra was a priestess known as Chay-ara.

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