22. The Pentagon

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Ray and Leonard were disguised as janitors, wearing matching blue jump suits and carrying a pair of twin mops. Meanwhile, the League of Hotties were each wearing the clothing of agents, matching ties around their necks and twin hats on their heads. The only difference in the costumes were their shirts – Sara's dark blue, while Kendra’s was white and Deserey's was a tan sandy color. (She found it a little ironic and couldn’t resist.) Firestorm was flying around back, waiting to cut the power; Carter and Mick were waiting to cause a diversion. Rip was back on the Waverider, handing out directions like it was Halloween candy.

Now,” Rip was saying through the comms. “The file we’re after is in a secure and locked room. In order to gain access we’re going to have to –”

“Knock and ask them politely to let us in?” Dez said, sarcasm evident in her voice.

“…Borrow a magnetic keycard…” Rip finished, sounding a tad annoyed at having been interrupted with another stupid comment.  Deserey didn’t really care though. She considered it pay back for waking her up that morning. (Petty? Yes. Fun? Absolutely!)

Because that’s so much easier than just shrinking down and stealing it,” Ray complained.

Let me show you how it’s done,” Leonard said, sounding completely and utterly exasperated. “Old school.” There was a soft clanging noise, as he dropped his mop carelessly onto the floor. Deserey couldn’t see from where she stood, but she heard a woman gasp a moment later. Her heart began pounding in her chest at the sound, and her palms grew sweaty, her mouth becoming as dry as a desert.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” Leonard asked. Deserey heard the woman's stammering response a moment later.

I – I wasn’t watching where I was going.”  It should have been impossible to hear the woman, considering she wouldn’t be wearing one of their comms. She would have had to been standing extremely close to Leonard. Close enough that their bodies would be inches from touching. Close enough that they might even feel each other’s breath on their skin… 
Deserey gritted her teeth. She wasn’t sure why the thought bothered her so much, but the more she thought about it the quicker her initial anger from that morning returned, along with that insufferable headache.

“…thank you.”

Just doing my job.” Deserey peaked around the corner as she and the other lady Legends started towards Ray and Leonard. She spotted Leonard holding the broad's hand, as she batted her eyes and smiled like the ditzy blonde she probably was. The woman let out a gross giggle, walking away, like she thought she even had a chance at getting laid. (Bitch.) But she didn’t see the way Leonard smoothly stuck his hand into her pockets, swiping both her card and her wallet.

“That’s a nifty little trick,” Ray admitted, as Len held up the card. And when he held up the wallet, the scientist sighed deeply. “Really? We’re trying to save the world, and you’re lifting wallets?”

“It’s called multi tasking,” Leonard shrugged. He turned carelessly to where the three ladies approached. “You're up, power couple.”

As they walked by, Leonard discretely passed the card to Sara. She took it, hiding it in her sleeve, until they reached the door to the room with the file.

The records room has closed circuit cameras. We need a diversion,” Rip announced.

Not even a millisecond later, shouting could be heard from down the hall. Over the comms Deserey heard Mick challenging some other guy to an arm wrestle and Carter taking bets from anyone who had decided to watch. (From the sounds of it there was quite the crowd.) “Yup,” Deserey muttered. “Sounds like the US government to me.”

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