5. You're not Legendary

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Rip ran around in a hurry, trying to fix the wiring in the walls of the ship. He sighed, as the wires sparked rapidly.

"Professor Boardman has suffered severe internal injuries, and our cloaking shield and aft entrance have been significantly compromised, Captain," Gideon announced.

"Yes," Rip sighed again. "I can see that, Gideon. Prepare the med bay and station us in the Temporal Zone while I work on repairs, please."

Gideon went quiet, probably so she could do as she was asked. The team moved to their seats, as things finally calmed down. Rip gave the hawks directions to the med bay, and they lead the injured college professor down the hall.

The ship slipped through a small opening, like it had before they'd left Star City, and soon the Waverider was surrounded by green waves again. Deserey looked out the window, astonished. It was as though they were suspended in mid air, just hovering there like a balloon.

There was nothing to see for miles, except those green waves, drifting gently back and forth like the sea on the beach. She found it strangely soothing.

Ray glanced at Rip, as the captain hurried into the office connecting to the main room. (The bridge, apparently.) "Temporal Zone?" the Atom asked, moving next to Deserey to peer out the window too.

"Yeah," Rip said, hastily grabbing some tools. "It's essentially a time limbo. We can hide out here for a bit. Another temporal jump would risk revealing our position."

He walked back over to the wall, where he'd removed one of the panels to work on the wiring. Rip slowly took out the tools, taking great care and caution, as he began fixing the damage.

(He'd already fixed the window a few moments ago. It was an easier fix than Deserey would have thought. Apparently, Time Masters busted their windows a lot, because Rip had simply pressed a button on one of his many remotes and a brand new window popped out of the frame work.)

"A time limbo," Stein muttered, glancing out the window with a broad smile. "Astonishing."

"Oh, there's something you people don't know about time travel?" Rip said snootily. "That's surprising isn't it? Considering none of you have ever time traveled before?"

Deserey blanched, taken aback by his sudden attitude. She looked down, feeling guilty. She hadn't actually done anything wrong, she knew, but she wasn't exactly in the right head space to take getting yelled at. Besides, it was only a matter of time before she screwed something up, anyway. So, he might as well be yelling at her.

"Bringing a family member from the past, breaking out and carousing around the 1970s. We've barely begun and already this is the worst, unmitigated disaster of my career."

Deserey shifted, blinking rapidly. She didn't want to look like a baby in room full of bad asses, but the captain's words were really getting to her. She had never been very good at handling yelling. It always made her feel small, insignificant. Worthless.

She was about to apologize, when she heard a loud smack!
Deserey's eyes widened, as her head snapped up.

Kendra had just decked Rip in the nose, and she was towering over him, fists clenched at her sides. Her eyes were dangerous, like a wild fire. Carter walked in a moment later, coming to a stop next to Mick and Leonard. He didn't look like he had any intensions of stopping his soul mate's hostile mannerisms.

Mick laughed out loud. He leaned close to Carter, like he was going to tell him a secret, but when he spoke it was loud enough for everyone to hear. (It was the second time the arsonist had done that, which left Deserey wondering if personal space was an issue for all criminals or if it was just his way to make himself look more insane.) "I see why you've got the hots for that one."

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