9. Nuclear Warheads

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The building erupted into chaos in a matter of seconds. Mick turned swiftly, yanking his heat gun from his belt, firing it at the terrorists surrounding the team. Carter and Kendra swooped in, fists first. The pair flew around the building, kicking and punching the baddies in the face.

Leonard and Mick stood at the center of the room, firing heat and cold rays. They never fired at the same time, though. Deserey made a note to ask them why later. She tossed her handful of sand in the air, waving her hands to control it. Dez did her best to avoid her team mates, as she blinded the baddies with the miniature sandstorm.

Sara charged by her, smacking a man in the back with her weapon, knocking him to the ground, unconscious. Deserey thrust her hand out, as a large man charged towards her, splattering sand all over his face. He screamed, stumbling back with his hands over his eyes, as they watered terribly.

Before he could recover, a beam of blue hit him, and he fell. Only his body didn't hit the floor. Instead, shards of ice shattered, scattering everywhere. Deserey looked at Leonard with wide eyes. "You just killed a guy!"

He shrugged like it was no big deal, before running off to slap someone with the butt of his gun.

Dez rolled her eyes, chasing after Sara. She figured it was safest to stick with the assassin...as long as she didn't get in her way.

Grabbing another handful of sand and tossing it into the air, she captured a group of men in another miniature sandstorm. She felt a little useless, compared to the others, who were actually fighting properly, but this was all she knew how to do.

Sara closed her eyes and charged into the sandstorm, metal staff raised high in the air. (At some point she had traded her knife in favor of the staff, but Deserey couldn't remember when it had happened.) She swung the weapon around, slapping one man in the gut, knocking him to the floor. The assassin turned swiftly, breaking the staff over her knee, forming two batons; she ran forward, smacking the rest of the men in their heads, slamming her weapons against their kneecaps. She had taken them down in seconds. (All while keeping her eyes closed to avoid getting sand in them, mind you.)

Deserey let the sandstorm fall, grains of sand littering the floor and the assassin's hair. Sara grinned, as she opened her eyes and brushed some sand from her shoulder. "We make a pretty good team, Dez."

Deserey grinned back. "I guess, as long as you don't mind doing all the actual fighting." She shrugged.

A few feet away, Stein was being roughly man handled by one of the terrorists.

"Now would be a good time!" the professor yelled. Deserey looked at Sara. She didn't seem to notice the professor. Instead, she was glancing around at all the chaos around them, taking it all in. Some of the terrorists had began fighting each other, punching and kicking, even shooting one another, desperate to be the first to bring the team in. Deserey shook her head. She was about to suggest they help Stein, when she remembered Ray was in his pocket.

"Yeah," the man attacking Stein snickered, "to kill you!"

The professor rolled his eyes. "I wasn't talking to you!"

Ray flew from his pocket, growing back into his normal size and blasting the attacker into the wall with a blue energy beam. He flew off, leaving Stein to go meet Jax at the door. The two argued about something for a second, but now they were too far away for Dez to hear what they were saying.

"Come on!" Sara said. She took off at a sprint, as Stein and Jax merged into Firestorm. Deserey ran after her, taking another handful of sand in her hand.

Leonard and Mick were surrounded by men. They stood back to back, firing their guns at once; they spun in a small circle, as the fire and ice streams came in to contact with their enemies, turning them into frozen statues or burning corpses respectively.

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