35. Earth 38

212 13 27

Deserey clutched on to her arm rests, her knuckles turning pale. Her jaw was clenched so tightly it ached, but she didn't dare loosen it up, lest she accidentally bite her tongue.

The ship shook so violently, her vision blurred; the lights above flickered, and the wires on the console sparked and snapped right out of the monitors.

On either side of her, her team mates were clutching onto their harnesses and trying not to slide too much in their seats as they were rapidly being thrown back and forth like a bullrider in a country club.

Luna the dog howled as she tried to stand up right, scared and unsure what was happening.

Deserey's heart pounded in her chest; she struggled to keep her eyes open. In front of her, through the large window, the usual green waves of the temporal zone were swirling, changing color, turning into a deep, vibrant blue with silver outlining. Just like Deserey had seen when she and Leonard had been running with Barry.

When the Waverider merged from the portal, the scenery changed from icy Siberian landscapes, to a scolding hot sandy desert area. Though, Deserey wasn't sure if they were still in 1986 or not. The Waverider took a nose dive towards the sand dunes at the edge of the desert; for a moment Deserey thought they'd crash. The ship was still shaking violently, and Luna the dog had taken to hiding in the parlour. Deserey wished she could join her, the tremors throughout the time ship whipping her around in her seat despite the protection of the harness around her.

Something moved from the other side of the field; dust was kicked up from the force of the movement. Dez was sort of surprised she managed to see it from up so high. But the ship was falling so fast, she might have just imagined it; and she worried that if she moved around too much in effort to see for sure, she'd snap her neck. She didn't need to in order to confirm it was real, though, because apparently the others saw it too.

Sara squinted to the front of the bridge, clutching her arm rests. Somehow, she managed to speak up without biting her tongue. "You guys saw that blur right? Was that a bird?"

Kendra frowned, apparently possessing the same talent Sara had, to speak in the midst of violent trembles and shaking while falling at death defying speeds without biting her cheek off. "I think it was a plane, actually."

"You're both wrong," Rip said, evidently also having the same talent. He was oddly calm, as if they weren't about to crash and possibly die. (Then again, they'd been crashing a lot lately. Everyone on board the ship must have just been use to it by then, especially the captain.) "It's Supergirl."

"Who?" Sara asked.

A blur of red and blue whooshed across Dez's line of sight. For a moment, just a split second, she saw a woman. Maybe in her early twenties, blonde, pale skin, long red cape flapping behind her. The woman, Supergirl according to Rip, dived under the Waverider. Suddenly, the ship started leveling out, falling at an increasingly slower pace until it felt as if they were merely landing after a normal time jump instead of crash landing. Deserey yelped in surprise at the sudden shift, the ship gently settling down in the sand. It was sort of rocky and the ship was still grinding a bit, but at least they weren't dead.

"...What just happened?" Deserey asked. Her hands shook as she hesitantly pushed the harness over her head. It was a little hard to breath, and she was afraid she'd fall if she tried standing up.

Martin stood up himself, fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Unless I'm assuming incorrectly, we have just breached to another earth." He looked at the captain for confirmation, and when Rip gave him a curt nod in response he grinned to himself. "Astonishing!" When he began rambling on about the science of it all and the "possible outcomes" of their lives, Deserey tuned out.

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