38. Hope

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"This isn't going to work."

The Legends and team Supergirl were in one of Cat's old TV stations. It was a bit old and dusty, but it would be good enough for the job they had to do. The plan was to piggy back off Myraid's signal, shove a symbol of hope in people's faces, one they wouldn't be able to ignore even with the mind control spell over them. There were a few skeptics, namely Leonard, Mick, and Lord.

"Have a little faith, Leonard," Kendra told the crook.

"I have faith that this won't work," he retorted.

"Would it kill you to be a little more optimistic?" Ray asked.


Dez leaned against the desk, watching her team mates needlessly argue like a bunch of children -- like siblings. Once again, the likeness to her own children uncanny. "It's not enough to just give a speech." She'd give Leonard that much. "Things don't just get better because you hear a few inspirational words. You have to take action, too."

Martin rounds the corner, speaking with his hands as he so often did when he entered, what Deserey was beginning to think of as, his professor state. "Which is why Raymond and I are continuing to disrupt the signal." A small, prideful grin spread over his lips. "And, dare I say it, I believe we are on the verge of a break through."

"Besides, there's scientific evidence to prove this plan will work," Ray puts in.

"Myriad works by shutting down the connection between the amygdala and the rostral anterior cingulate cortex: the parts of the human brain that give rise to optimism and hope," Supergirl said. "All we have to do is turn the connection back on."

"With hope?" Lord asked skeptically.

"With optimism, positivity, and, yes, hope," Cat nodded.

"What about the robo chick outside?" Mick asked.

"What robo chick?" Sara moved to the window the arsonist was looking out of, Dez and Kara right behind her. A woman stood outside the building dressed in thick, glowing green armor.

"Alex!" Kara gasped. She was about to charge out there, but Sara stopped her.

"Hey, take it easy!" It was one of those rare moments where Sara let her eyes soften, let her emotions show, showed that she cared.

"That's my sister!" Kara fretted. She was running her hands through her hair, her eyes never leaving the window through which she'd spotted Alex. "I can't believe this. I told her not to come. I knew this would happen! I have to help her!"

"She's armed with kryptonite weapons and she's wearing kryptonite armor," Lord noted, glancing out the window as well. "She'll kill you in seconds."

"Well, I have to do something!" Kara insisted.

"You can," Dez said. "With the speech."

"But --"

"You're not really good to anyone if you're killed by your own sister, trust me. Just get ready for your speech." She glanced at Kendra and Sara, a silent agreement passing between the three of them: the League of Hotties were about to have their first solo mission without the boys. "We'll take care of your sister."

Kara hesitated, but eventually she nodded. "Okay... Okay, just don't hurt her too badly. She's not in control."

"You have our word," Kendra nodded.

Sara grinned. "Satellite, camera, action!" Dez smiled back. It was nice to see her joking around for a change, despite the dire circumstances.

The fight was actually over pretty quickly. Non hadn't learned his lesson from the last time he'd tangoed with the Legends; he was still undeeestimateing them, thinking they were useless humans. He thought, even though they had powers, they would be no match for him and his army of drones.

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