32. Infantino Street pt 3

147 12 52

Again please excuse the unedited garbage I am presenting you


Leonard slammed his elbow against the paneling he'd destroyed earlier as the cell filled with frozen air. There was a loud, thump! as King Shark fell on his ass, fast asleep.

On the other end of the cell, through the now rising smog Leonard spotted a device sitting on a raised platform. It was tall, four arms sticking straight up, with a glowing red substance at its center. Definitely alien.

Leonard guessed that's what they were after. He turned to the Flash, waving him into the cell. "By all means, you first."

"Thanks," Barry said sarcastically.

Leonard followed him inside, the two only pausing when King Shark let out a loud snarl in his sleep. The two jumped back, thinking he was already waking up. Leonard scowled when he realized they were safe. "Reminds me of Jaws."

They started walking again, Leonard eyeing the floor cautiously. "They didn't show the shark, because they couldn't afford to make it look good."

Barry didn't respond. He didn't have enough time to anyways, because a second later King Shark fin was seen poking up from the smog; Leonard froze for a second, catching Barry do the same.

Fortunately, the shark king went back down a moment later. Barry let out a relieved breath, and Leonard relaxed. They continued, slowly.

"How long do you think he'll stay asleep?" Barry asked nervously.

"I like Shark Week I'm not a marine biologist," Leonard shrugged. 

Alexa continued steadily rising as they approached the tech, and Leonard was beginning to get a little antsy. He couldn't help thinking that this whole process would have been a lot smoother if Barry had been able to retain his speed in the ARGUS building.

Barry carefully removed the piece of tech he needed from the alien object... And that's when Alex came into play.

Immediately, alarms started blaring and lights were flashing. The door to the cells began closing fast; the duo forgot all about stealth, sprinting across the floor.

Barry managed to slide under the door and make it out, but Leonard was just a tad too slow. It closed a second before he could make it out.

Barry turned, suddenly looking a lot more like his goodie-too-shoes self. "Snart!"

"Barry!" Leonard would have been lying if he said he wasn't the least bit concerned about being trapped with a man shark, but somehow he found himself encouraging Barry to leave him.

He got what he needed to save Iris. He could have run off with the tech and saved Iris, yet he was just standing in front of the door looking uncertain.

Hell of a time to start caring again, he was putting the mission in jeopardy, risking getting caught. Like what happened to Leonard was actually important.

"This place is going to be crawling with ARGUS agents in the next two minutes," Leonard said. Barry still looked hesitant. "Look on the bright side, Barry. This is your chance to show how ruthless you really are."

Barry glanced back as Deserey came sprinting to the end of the hall. She looked back at the Flash, looking deathly serious. "Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something...and I eat one of you, I'm sorry."

Barry stared at her before exchanging confused looks with Leonard. "Wha?"

"No," Dez shook her head. "Okay, first of all, the line is 'I don't want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?' Second, I'm trying to say something is coming...and by something I mean ARGUS security."

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