8. Norway

771 31 261

The Waverider touched down in the center of a large parking lot. The sky was grey and dreary, like even it could tell Norway was about to have a really bad day. In retrospect, perhaps things would have gone down a lot better, if some of the sillier Legends had stayed on board. At least then, maybe they wouldn't have doomed the future even more than it already was.

The day started out pretty okay, with everyone still buzzing from their excitement back at S.T.A.R. Labs. It was a complete turn around from the mood everyone had been in just a few hours ago. Almost like their little angst trip never even happened.

"I still can't believe you didn't realize Barry was the Flash," Jax was saying, "even after he put the costume on."

Deserey shrugged. "What can I say? I don't really watch the news much."

"Yeah, but still --"

"I can't believe that I never noticed those two," Sara jabbed her finger at Leonard and Mick, "look exactly like famous actors."

Kendra shook her head, smiling lightly. "That's got to be confusing as hell for the police."

Rip sighed, as the ship landed in near the parking lot. "And we've arrived," he said, sounding relieved. "Gideon, if you wouldn't mind camouflaging us as an alpine meadow, perhaps?"

Everyone slowly stood up, once again feeling the side effects of time travel. Dez felt her stomach doing back flips inside her body, and for a moment she thought she might throw up. (Thankfully she didn't.) She spotted Sara and Leonard stumbling slightly; they leaned on each other for support. (She'd have to tease them about it later.)

"Where exactly are we?" Carter asked, glancing out the window.

"It's nineteen-seventy five again, right?" Kendra asked.

"Indeed," Rip nodded. "October nineteen-seventy five on the fjords of northern Norway." He headed towards the back of the room. The rest of the team followed, as soon as the side effects wore off.

"Sounds like a vacation," Leonard commented.

"Which," Rip said, "we can take as soon as the threat of Savage has been neutralized, Mr. Snart." The captain walked into his office, picking up a small, leather book, before turning around and stepping back into the bridge.

"That's Aldus's notebook," Carter realized. It took Deserey a moment to remember that Aldus was his son from his previous life. (He was also the rotting corpse that was still in the med bay for some reason. She knew that thought sounded harsh, and she felt bad about it...but still. Shouldn't they have gotten rid of it by now?)

"He theorized that Savage might be here, and if he's right, and if we can capture Savage, then at least Professor Boardman didn't die in vain," Rip said, looking at the hawks seriously.

Kendra looked at Rip, her eyes lighting up as an idea undoubtedly came to her. "Can't we just go back and save Aldus?"

"He was our son," Carter pointed out.

Inside her rib cage, a chain tugged at Deserey's heart, trying to force it to sink in the never ending sea of despair. She really felt for those two. There was something especially tragic about being reconnected with a lost family member, only to lose them again five seconds later. (Even if it was a little awkward that their son was several years older than them.)

"Look, I'm sorry," Rip sighed. "We can't go back and change events in which we participated. Time would fold in on itself, creating a temporal vortex."

"Which sounds way cooler than it is," Ray nodded.

"Then, next thing you know you have dinosaurs and Roman warriors wandering aimlessly around California," Rip rambled.

Mick scoffed. "I hate romans."

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