3. The Waverider

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The streets were damp with rain, and crumbled leaves drifted across the sidewalk in a gust of wind. Between the road and the walk the grass was moist with dew; there were a few seemingly abandoned buildings in the background and a couple of random trees in the foreground. Up in the sky, clouds littered the air, forming giant, white sheep. Deserey thought the place was a little too open for a secret meeting. (Then again so was a rooftop.)

Sitting on the sidewalk, she spotted Blondie and Atom. He had changed into street clothes -- a dark red shirt, black jacket, and matching pants. He lost the helmet, along with the bulky suit. Now, he was showing off his dark, close-cropped hair and dazzling brown eyes. The man reminded Deserey of a small child, the way he grinned so brightly, and she vaguely wondered what in the world there was to be so happy about.

Blondie was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, green cargo pants, and a belt. Her honey-colored hair still hung loosely over her shoulders, though, making Deserey just a little jealous. She could never really pull that look off. Her hair was much too wild and frizzy, which was precisely why she had it pulled back into a tight ponytail. She had changed clothes as well, thinking anything would look better than ugly sweatpants, but now she felt quite overdressed in all her accessories, leather, and wool.

"Hey," Blondie waved

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"Hey," Blondie waved. "So, you decided to come."

Deserey nodded. "I wasn't gonna, but my husband talked me into it." She cringed when she realized she had forgotten to add the word ex. The divorce was still much too new to her; she wasn't use to calling him her ex out loud. But she didn't bother to correct herself, not wanting to look stupid.

Blondie didn't seem to notice anything unusual about her speech, though. Instead, she went on, as if it were the most natural thing in the world for her. (Deserey envied her for that.) "Same with my sister and me. I'm Sara, by the way. I think you're one of the few people I haven't met before this." She stuck her hand out, and Deserey shook it.

"Deserey," Deserey responded. She glanced over at Atom, raising an eyebrow. "And do you have an actual name, or did your parents just hate you?"

Sara smirked, as he stuttered, a little caught off guard. But his smile soon returned. (Actually, he seemed incapable of frowning for more than two seconds.) "Ray," he said. "My name is Ray."

"Well nice to meet you both," she said quietly. She figured if they were going to be on a team together, she'd better start making nice before they realized how much of a screw up she was.

Kendra and Carter appeared next, along with the two criminals. The crooks didn't appear to have changed their outfits since the night before, but Kendra and Carter had traded their hawk costumes in for normal people clothes.

She wore a black leather jacket over a white shirt and green pants. He was wearing a dark green shirt under a black jacket and matching pants, sunglasses placed over his eyes.

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