41. "Conversations with my Thirteen Year Old Self"

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Perhaps, I should put a trigger warning up here. I'm not sure if it's "triggering" or not, but there is a scene where Deserey gives herself some advice and while writing it I sort of hit a few of my own nerves so...better safe than sorry. Tread carefully! Take care of yourselves!

(And maybe the advice will be something some of you need to hear too?)


"Carter, I think there's something wrong with your dog."

Luna was laying on her side, whining and wimpering. Her tongue was flopping out of her mouth, fur falling out left and right. Rip stood above Deserey and the hawks as the trio attempted to sooth the dog. "I tried to warn you." Of course he would have a lecture at the ready. "Time travel effects animals differently than humans. I can't imagine that little trip to Earth 38 helped matters any."

"What's wrong with her?" Carter asked. He'd be lying if he was't going crazy with guilt and worry. He was just going to get his dog killed the same way he got his son killed. (But really isn't that what he deserved for thinking he could put the pieces of his old lives back together?)

"I will be perfectly honest, Mr. Hall --"

"That's a first," Leonard muttered from where he was leaning on the console a few feet away.

Rip ignored him and went on, " --I have no idea."

The dog let out a howel. It was much louder than it should have been -- so loud, in fact, Deserey had to check her ears to make sure they weren't bleeding. (And even after she had done so she wasn't convinced there hadn't been some kind of nerve damage. She'd have to check with Gideon later.) The others were covering their ears, wincing at the noise.

"What the hell is that!?" Sara shouted over the howeling as she and the two halves of Firestorm walked in.

"Luna is hurt or something." Dez pointed to the poor, suffering dog as she dug her finger in her ear, a lame attempt to stop the ringing.

"Someone turn it off!" Mick growled. It didn't stop, though. The howling went on and on, growing in volume, so much so it was a wonder every member of the Legends wasn't now deaf. Glass shattered all around, including Mick's beer bottle (he was not happy about that); trinkets fell from the shelves in Rip's office. It was an Earthquake. At least, that's what it felt like.

Luna whined, covering her snout with her paws. Deserey ran her hand through the dog's fur, frowning worriedly. She was very warm. Was that normal? Then, out of no where, lasers shot from her eyes. It singed the wall and would have done the same to Ray, too, had it not been for Sara's quick reflexes, the assassin pulling him from harm's way, just in the nick of time.

The Legends stared at the dog. For a long stretch of time, no one said anything. Had she always been able to do that? Was it just the "different" side effects Rip had mentioned catching up with her? That was quite a difference...

Ray gave a little giggle, breaking the silence and drawing all the attention to himself. "A meta dog!" Dez couldn't help noticing that he wasn't sneezing around Luna anymore. In fact, he hadn't been since they'd left the 80s, and she couldn't help wondering if he'd actually had an allergy to furry animals or if it was entirely psychosomatic. (She did not, however, express those thoughts to him out loud.)

"Astonishing!" Martin grinned. In the same instance, Luna started floating off the floor, zipping around the room uncontrollably. "It seems our furry friend here is exhibiting the same abilities as a Kryptonian."

"So what? She's Super Dog now?" Kendra asked.

Dez shrugged. "Personally, I think we should call her Krypto."

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