Interlude #11

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It's just past noon, after the fight between Dez and that kid with the fire obsession, after her talk with the woman claiming to be her from the future. Everyone is quiet now. At least, they are for about point three seconds, before they start getting antsy again. Even after the adults told them they were safe and that they could go home soon, they're still anxious. Of course they are. They still don't have any real answers. No one has bothered to tell them what's happening, who it is trying to kill them, why they're trying to kill them; they never even bothered to tell the kids where their "safe haven" is or who their alleged protectors are. 

So, yeah. They're still worried. 

"Where are we?" The blonde girl, Sara, Dez found out after a ten minute argument of everyone fighting over whether or not they could even trust each other. It was Ray who got everyone to at least share their first names. Dez tells them her name is Deserey. Just to test it out. She kind of likes it… 

Anyway, Sara is looking out the window, biting her fingernails. 

"I want to know what we're actually doing here," Leonard says. He's leaning on the wall next to the door. The door that's locked. The door that he tried to get open with his lock pick… before that parka wearing man had taken it off him. 

Mick had also tried prying the door open with a crowbar, but he got caught by the man in the burned jacket. The man shoved him back in the room and threatened to beat him with the crow bar. He'd been cursing that man under his breath since.  

Martin, who's been studying some "future" tech thing laying around on the desk in the opposite corner, looks up. "The rest of us are just as ignorant as you are. We don't have the answer to that." 

"Why don't we just ask those people that came after us?" Jefferson (who goes by Jax) says. Everyone stares at him. "Guy in a Vader suite? Chick with a flashy gun thing? Ring any bells?" 

"No, we all saw them… But… Um, we're in here and they're out there, plus they kind of want to kill all of us so…" Ray tilts his head to the side like he's thinking maybe we're better off staying here.

 "Who were they anyway?" Dez wonders.

"Their name's are Chronos and Pilgrim."

Everyone jumps as this kid swings the door open. The boy is a bit younger than the rest of them. While they're all teenagers, this kid seems to be around ten, but he looks like he can cause some trouble. He's blonde and is wearing a leather jacket. As he steps into the room, he places his hands on his hips, like he's trying very hard to look dramatic.  

He tosses Leonard his lock pic back to him. How he managed to lift it off the guy in the parka is anyone's guess. Dez thinks she heard someone mention him being a professional thief or something. 

Leonard narrows his eyes at the new boy. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

 "I'm trying out a new name. Call me Rip Hunter. I live here. My mum's the one who runs the orphanage. Oh, and you're in the future, the year 2141 to be exact." 

"I knew it!" Martin cheers. 

"That's so cool!" Ray grins. Then, he frowns. "Wait, but why?" 

"Because your future selves are all in a spot of trouble," Rip tells them. "Apparently, they've all banded together to stop some bloke named Savage from taking over the world and in doing so they've pissed off the Time Masters, who have issued an order for their ─ your ─ deaths." 

This takes a minute to settle among the teenagers. Dez feels her head dipping into the water. Icy and bitter. Great. Fucking great. Some part of her is thinking jokes on you, I want to die. And then there's Sara in the back, crying into her hands, muttering something about her family. It tugs at her heart for a multitude of reasons that she doesn't even want to begin unpacking. Fuck this shit. Jesus. 

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