34. Prison Break (Addmitedly Not as Good as Canon)

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Small note before we begin: I, uh, I was going to do a LOT more with the 80s, but you know I'm just not...I'm not feeling it any more.

So, for now I'm going to just get them out of this time period because I'm frankly bored and want to do other things. (As a result this chapter might be slightly rushed)

Maybe later when the story is finished I'll have deleted scenes/one shots for the scenes I cut out. We'll see how much space is left... Anyway, enjoy!


While Rip and the others left the ship to integrate mafia leaders, Kendra and Jax were stuck in the bridge with their new friend.

It wasn't very practical, but all three of them had grown extremely bored so Kendra figured it wouldn't be too much of a big deal if they let Michael out of the brig for a bit.

Gideon didn't provide much entertainment, despite being a time ship from the future that could play any form of media throughout the time line.

So, the trio settled down in the middle of the floor, playing word association games. Carter's dog stayed at Kendra's feet the whole time, whining sadly as she ran her hand over her fur softly.

They played until Sara and Rip returned from the integration, Sara rolling her eyes at something Rip had said.

"Where's Dez and Snart?" Jax asked, looking up at them.

"Outside," Sara said shortly, moving to flop down in one of the chairs. She glanced at Booster Gold with confusion. "Why is he out of the brig?"

"We got bored and he didn't seem very threatening," Kendra shrugged, getting to her feet.

Michael shrugged, but he stayed quiet, which seemed a bit out of character.

Kendra asked, "Why are Dez and Snart outside?"

"Because, Miss Saunders, I am going to win our little bet," Rip insisted.

Kendra stared at him, mouth agape. "You can't just shove them together!That's cheating!"

"Mr. Rory and Dr. Palmer are practically being shoved together in the gulag," Rip reasoned. "This is only fair." He turned towards the console at the center of the room. "Speaking of which, we should be getting them out."

Kendra had been expecting a lecture about taking Booster Gold out of the brig, but he didn't seem to care all that much. It was odd, she thought, but inevitably she decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Jax rose to his feet as well, looking at the captain suspiciously. "And I'm guessing that by 'we' you don't mean us, right?" The younger man gestured at himself and Kendra.

"Correct," Rip nodded, causing Kendra to scoff and Jax to role his eyes. He was being so unfair!

"We can help!" Kendra insisted.

"We have already had this discussion," Rip said, sounding a bit agitated.

"It wasn't really much of a conversation," Jax huffed. "Look, man, I can feel whenever they start in on him. He's holding on but --"

"Is that a beetle?" Sara interrupted. Kendra followed her gaze and saw that there was indeed a beetle crawling along the floor of the Waverider. A blue beetle.

Booster Gold jumped to his feet, looking slightly panicked. He just had time to let out a small, "Crap."

And that's exactly what happened next, everything went to crap. The beetle transformed into a man of average hight, dressed head to toe in black and blue spandex. Blue beetle arms and wings sprouted from his back.

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