32. Infantino Street pt 2

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First, I know there's drama with Killer Frost and Savitar in Flash season 3 but I'm changing it because I forgot when I wrote this and I've already rewritten this chapter like twice so...yeah. Sorry if the inaccuracy bothers you. But surely y'all know how much I love changing canon by now so it shouldn't surprise you.

Second, this is unedited until I get around to it later, so please excuse that.

Third, uber long chapter/part. Longer than normal, like 6,000 something



Cisco had left Leonard and Dez alone to go work with Linda on a fake ID for Barry.

The other members of Team Flash were readying themselves for the plan. H.R. had brought everyone coffee. (Dez wasn't sure how he guessed she liked frappés though. She assumed it was because he was from her future.)

While Cisco and Linda worked everyone, omitting Barry, went to say their goodbyes to the Wests.

Len and Dez hung out in one of the numerous science labs in the building. It wasn't very big, only about twenty by twenty feet; shelves took up half the space, making it feel even smaller.

At the center of the room was a long, wooden work table, lab equipment taking up every inch of its surface.

Deserey was hesitant to enter the room, worried they might mess something up; but Leonard had insisted messing things up was half the fun.

Though, it wasn't long before Leonard got bored and started rifling through the cabinets and drawers.

Deserey watched him, making a face. "Oh, come on. You can't rob them now! They're distressed!"

"They're always distressed," Leonard pointed out. He pulled up a bucket from under the table. It was full of, what looked like, grenades. "Wonder what these are for..."

"Don't --" He didn't wait for her warning, pressing the button on top of the grenade. The thing emitted a small beeping; Leonard let it roll away from him on the table.

Just in time too, because a moment later, it erupted, ice covering the entirety of the work table at the center of the room. Any items that had been sitting on the table's surface were also covered in a block of frozen water.

Dez stared at the table in shock; Leonard made a look, impressed. He started pocketing the little ice bombs.

Deserey gave him a scornful look, which he replied to with a shrug. "What? Obviously, I get all the ice themed weapons. I'm Captain Cold. That's a right of passage!"

"You two planning on cleaning that mess up?" Deserey whirled around, surprised by the sudden new voice.

Stood in the doorway was Caitlin -- except she looked completely different. Her hair was snow white, like Elsa's from Frozen; her eyes were the same shade as an icy crystal, seemingly glowing. And her skin had gotten a shade or two lighter.

Her expression was much colder, and she almost looked bored, like everyone and everything was beneath her -- sort of like how Leonard looked whenever Rip or Ray started talking.

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