36. Myriad

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Aliens. Definitely a new one. Rip and Gideon had explained how aliens were real back in the fifties, sure, but actually seeing them in person... Well, that was something else, for sure. Deserey wasn't sure what to make of them. They weren't anything like Star Wars had lead her to believe, yet at the same time they looked exactly like what she'd imagined aliens would be. One man (or at least the figure she assumed to be male) donned blood red skin and silver spikes on top of his head, just like Darth Maul. She half expected him to pull out a double bladed light saber and start jabbing at her with the laser sword.

The Legends were vastly outnumbered, the amount of aliens only multiplying as more and more seemed to swarm from the direction Supergirl had flown off to. But Deserey didn't have to be a genius like Ray and Martin to know she had one huge advantage over everyone on that battlefield: the sand at her feet. She planted herself firmly, toes curling in her shoes, just itching to dig into the rough surface of the ground. She waited for the targets to get a little closer; for once in her life she was completely confident. This was her domain, her place. Similar to what Obi wan Kenobi once said, it was over. She had the higher ground.

Her team stood beside her, weapons and powers ready to back her up, but there seemed to be an unspoken agreement among the Legends: Deserey could handle this one.
Their enemies were only a foot away when Deserey acted. She didn't move an inch, the sand responding to her mental commands, something she'd never been able to do before. She'd always need a motion, a nod or a wave of her hand, to help complete the task. But this...this was something else. Waves upon waves of sand began swirling and twirling; and soon even Deserey was squinting in effort to keep the sand from her eyes. It was next to impossible to see so much as her own fingers in front of her face, but if she looked hard enough she could see the aliens being hit with several blasts of sand like a punch to the gut.

The Darth Maul look alike was dropped in two seconds flat after a clump of sand got sucked into his eyes. Behind his slumbering form, the specs of sand hit the weapons another group of aliens were carrying -- futuristic looking guns, made from tech that looked similar to that of Chronos'. (Deserey supposed some things were just universal that way.) She wasn't sure what fancy name the aliens had given them, if there was one, but it hardly mattered; because seconds later they were nothing more than the tiniest grains.

And things grew even stranger when Dez discovered yet another ability her powers gave her. The sand broke into four separate figures, shaping themselves into almost humanoid beings; those humanoid beings of sand finished off the last of the alien adversaries in a way that was much, much too similar to Sara's fighting style. There was even a split second in which Dez thought the figures sort of looked like the assassin. Then, all at once, the sand dropped back to the ground, dust quickly settling as if nothing at all had happened. The only evidence anything strange had occurred were the disfigured, inhuman bodies all lying unconscious or sleeping.

When it was all over, Deserey turned to her friends, soaking in their shell shocked faces, a huge grin of her own forming. "Yo, y'all see that? I'm like so fucking op right now!"

Mick was the first one to speak, of course. He eyed Dez up and down, giving her a deadpanned, "That was hot."

Deserey broke out into a huge grin, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I know."

"Seriously, girl, you are bad ass!" Jax raised his arm, fist bumping her with a big 'ol grin plastered over his cheeks.

It was the first time in a very long time, or quite possibly the first time ever that Deserey had felt so appeased, so comfortable, so good. Everyone gathering around, praising her for the little tricks she'd just preformed. Any one of them could have just as easily taken the enemies out single handled, she was sure. Sara could have used her batons, Ray his suit, etc. etc. It didn't make her all that special, but for once she actually felt like she belonged among the rest of them. She finally had a place between the heroes and villains, with the Legends. A family within her team. She wasn't just the useless tag along anymore, and maybe in their eyes she never was. She had always just been one of them. Ironically, it was enough to make her a bit uneasy.

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