7. Codenames, Goofs, and Kinks Oh My!

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Leonard opened the door to Star Labs, allowing Deserey to step inside the building. Sara made a face as she followed Dez in to the building.

"We can just walk in?" the assassin asked.

Mick nodded, looking annoyed. "Their security sucks."

"Makes breaking in easier, but sucks all the fun out of it," Leonard agreed.

"Oh, come on!" Barry was saying. "I'm sorry that I don't buy that shit that Jay's selling!"

"Barry, you can't just give up on everyone because someone wrong you. You have to give them another chance."

Was that Joe's voice? Ooh, this was gonna be good. Len couldn't help but smirk as he walked in.

"Why, hello, Detective West," he grinned. Barry stared at him, open mouthed with shock, while Cisco and Caitlin just looked glad there was some sort of entertainment besides the apparent argument.

Deserey looked around. Clearly, there was some kind of tension between everyone in the room. She guessed they must have had quite the history. Either that or this "Jay" character was a big deal.

"Are we interrupting something?" Deserey asked.

"Yes," Barry said.

"No," the other strangers said.

"Well, we have a request for the dear engineer," Leonard said, moving past the other Legends. "See, our little friend here, Dede, needs a nickname."

Deserey scowled at the nickname, but glanced up at the guy who looked up.

"Dede, show him your powers so he can work his magic."

Deserey considered not doing it just to prove a point, but she wasn't that petty. Besides, she really wanted a nickname!

So, she opened up her pouch and threw a little sand into the air before moving it around with her fingers. The engineer person gasped in surprise. When she looked over at his face, she could see the pure joy that radiated off him.

"It's like a little sandstorm," he muttered to himself. Then he snapped his fingers. "Sandstorm! Perfect!"

"Hashtag nicknamed," the unknown female muttered. Her long, brown hair was behind the back of her scientist's coat. Deserey wondered if that was the doctor.

The engineer bowed, like he was a performer on stage. "You are welcome."

Then Deserey realized she still didn't know anyone's name. "Yeah...so I'm guessing he's Cisco," she nodded at the engineer. "But who are the rest of you? And what do you even do here?"

"Reminds me of that first day, right, Cisco?" the tall guy said. She assumed it was Barry from his argument with the other, older man in the corner, who was still scowling at him.

"Oh, yeah! You asked me what I do, and I was like, 'I make the toys'!" Cisco said with a giant grin.

"I never realized how much CC looked like Michael," Cisco muttered. Leonard raised his eyebrows. "CC?"

"Well, Captain Cold," Cisco said, looking down.

"Oh, and I used to be an actor," Leonard said with a smirk. This time, Cisco wasn't the only one who needed to pick up his jaw.

"Jeez. I'm kidding," Leonard laughed. It was like watching a movie as everyone's shocked expressions turned sour.

"Wait! And Mick looks like Lincoln!" Cisco said.

"Not to mention that we break out of prison on a regular basis," Leonard pointed out. Mick shrugged, going back to his sandwich which had somehow just... appeared. Deserey was starting to wonder if his metahuman power was making random food appear wherever he wanted.

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