Who Knew (1D Fanfic) :)

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Hi everyone! My name is Kimmy :) This is my first fanfic......... also DanIsNotOnFire and AmazingPhil are actual Youtube comedians, I suggest you look them up :) thanks! remember to vote and review! if you dont like it, tell me why you dont! :)


I was scrolling through my Twitter mentions one night, and I guess that’s how this all started.

“@Tay_Elizabethloves1D: @Harry_Styles you should watch this girl, @Audrey_IsAwesome I’m pretty sure you guys would fall in love!! (:”

Was the tweet that changed my whole entire life. Caroline and I are broken up now, but I can’t seem to get that through my skull. We may have had the major age difference, I may have been considered freaky but I don’t care. I really loved her.

I clicked on the Audrey Is Awesome’s Twitter link, seeing a girl about nineteen with long, curly amber blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was smiling in her icon, holding up to thumbs and a turtle sitting on her chest. I wish I was that turtle. Wait, did I just say that?

I clicked on her Youtube link that was in her bio, being lead to a Youtube channel with a turtle as a background. I think Liam would like this girl. I pressed play on her first video, titled “One Direction: Sex Gods, or not?” I personally think so but let’s see what she has to say.

“Hey guys! It’s Audrey here, of course, because you’re on my page.” She said in a cheery voice. She ran a hand through her hair, sighing. “I am so awkward and I want chocolate. Anyway, today we will be talking about ONE DIRECTION! Yay okay so I know people will love this video because honestly, who doesn’t love One Direction?” She said excitedly, but not fangirl-ish. I smiled. “But, first, I need to show you guys my new addition to the wall of awesomeness.” She said, pointing to a wall full of posters behind her.

I giggled. She was really adorably… beautiful. She stood up, showing a V-Neck hoodie that had a picture of my face on it. I smiled, nodding. I like this girl a lot, and she obviously likes me.

“Okay, I got a new turtle poster!” She squealed, walking towards the computer screen again. She held a picture of a baby turtle laying in Liam’s hand in front of the screen, smiling.

“Okay, so Liam Payne is in the poster too, can’t live without him, BUT LOOK AT THE TURTLE!” She said, jumping up and down. “So,” She calmed down a bit. “I’m just going to hang this up now.” She turned around, facing the wall. Her jeans were in view, and she did have a very nice butt. Why am I saying this? Things are weird…

She walked back, sitting down. Her eyelashes batted a pit absentmindedly, and I think my stomach died. “So, One Direction,” She said, plastering a smile on her face.

“I am a Directioner. I can’t say I’m not, I mean I love their music and they are very, very attractive. Especially Harry. Did you guys see my shirt!? Oh, I’ll show you later. Okay, so I’ll pull up a picture of Zayn,” She said, doing as she said. She thinks I’m attractive!

She pulled up a picture of Zayn sitting in the car, just smiling. “So I know Zayn smokes,” She started. She looked the camera right dead on. “But he makes it look really god damn sexy.” I laughed. I guess I’ll have to be showing this to the lads later.  “Anyway, I like this picture. It really makes his eyes pop like monkeys or something. Wow, that makes no sense. I’m sorry.” I chuckled.

“Okay, Niall,” A picture of Niall showed up in the corner. It was one I remembered for a calendar, and I smiled remembering that day. The photographer was hot and it was just after Caroline and I broke up, don’t judge me.

“He is the cutest little leprechaun in the whole wide world and he makes me want to eat my entire kitchen.” She said. “You know, sometimes I wonder if he would be put up for adoption or something because I’m old enough to adopt him and keep him in a special room with Nando’s everywhere. I seriously love that boy.”

A picture of Liam pulled up in the corner. “Okay, I can’t even describe the way this man makes me feel like seriously I want to go adopt fifty puppies and give them all love and care and I want to go buy a homeless person Starbucks and go fight in war and fly to the US and give them something to eat other than hot dogs and I just… his heart is not a normal size and I love him. I feel like when he farts little puppy dogs and rainbows.” I laughed. That is pretty accurate for Liam.

“Okay I can’t go on any further because I will actually do every single one of those things and probably more,” She laughed, searching for a new picture. Next is either Louis or me, and I hope it was me. I want to hear what she has to say about me.

Sadly, a picture of Louis appeared. “Louis Tomlinson,” She giggled. “Okay, he seriously made me laugh so hard during the video diaries, and everything he does. He is definitely the sass master,” She laughed, running a hand through her long hair. “And Eleanor, oh my goodness she is absolutely flawless I wish I looked like her!” She shouted. Okay, I have to meet this girl.

“Okay, moving on,” It’s my turn now! Oh gosh, I’m actually kind of scared of what she has to say about me…

A shirtless picture of me came up on the corner and I smiled. So did she, her eyes widening. “Sweet mother of Jesus,” She breathed. I laughed, leaning closer to the computer.

“Harry Styles is some sort of, like, God, and I love him.” I smiled. “I honestly mean this in the most unfangirlish way, I seriously think if we met we would fall in love and I would have his babies. I am being completely honest right now, I honestly think I would love Harry Styles if I met him before X Factor. I just love his personality… I love him for Harry who had a hamster named Hamster, not Harry who performs live with girls screaming his name every night. I honestly think we could get married, if he knew who the fuck I was…” She trailed off. Oh, I will make her know I know who the fuck she is.

“Well, I better get going now, sugarplums. I love you all! She said, blowing a kiss. I was suddenly tempted to blow one back. I clicked on the link to her Twitter, reading her recent tweets.

@Audrey_IsAwesome: @DanIsNotOnFire @AmazingPhil are we still on for Starbucks at five?

@AmazingPhil: Ask Dan. He controls things in this house.

I know who Amazing Phil or Dan Is Not On Fire are, but I want to be at Starbucks with them. Wait, they’re going at five? I know which one, probably, I could always randomly show up. I’ll send her a tweet.

@Harry_Styles: @Audrey_IsAwesome Do you mind if I show up at Starbucks later? :) x

I dropped my IPhone on the table, turning to see Louis and Eleanor smirking at me. “You like her.” Lou said, crossing his arms and walking closer to me.

I smiled. “Hey, maybe I do, but she gave you two compliments too.” I defended.

“I know, I’ve seen that video.” Before I had time to answer, my phone let out a ding.

@Audrey_IsAwesome: @Harry_Styles sure.. DM me to know which one. :)

I let out a smile, not caring that Lou and Ele were still in the room. I opened my DM’s, seeing a bunch from fans and one from Audrey.

“Hey (: We’re going to the one in the plaza, and we’re actually going at 2:30. We say five so fans don’t show up. See you then!” It read.

“Awesome :) x” I replied, jumping up and pushing past Lou and Ele. This is exciting.

Who Knew (1D Fanfic) :)Where stories live. Discover now