101 Ways To Say No To Sex

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Hey guys! The video on the side, 101 Ways To Say No To Sex is how I picture Audrey. Hope you enjoy (:



“Hey guys!” I said into the camera. “It’s Audrey here, and I was just wondering all of your responses on beautiful baby Darcy!”

I think the reasons I hate twitcams so much is because if I mess up every one hears it. When I make my videos, I can retake everything. But this is like, the actual thing. It’s scary.

I read the comments, a lot of them saying the same thing.

Love it!! So proud of you two!! Where’s Harry????

“Guys,” I giggled. “Harold is going to pick up some food at some place I don’t even know he wouldn’t tell me, or I would tell you guys so you could all go bomb him. So I know I said I would do a video on teen pregnancy today, but I decided to just do it in a twitcam.”

I took a deep breath, thinking of everything to say. “So, like, I hope you all know I’m pregnant. If you don’t, what are you even doing here? Anyways, I used to always say it was the slutty girls who got prego in their teens, but now that I realize this, it could happen to anyone. I hope you guys didn’t think I was a slut before, or that I’m a slut now just because I’m having a baby so early in my life. I know we made a mistake, but I don’t regret a thing about it.” I sighed, reading the comments. They all said things about how they supported us or something.

“So now that that’s through, I’m going to be funny.” I picked up my mustache that Harry bought me from the dollar store and my Starbucks mug that said DAD on it. I’m not a dad.

“Okay so someone just said 101 ways to say no to sex… oh dear. I must not have followed these rules,” I said, looking down at my big bump and biting my lip. I let out a laugh and started naming a couple funny ways to say no to sex.

I was at about ninety just from the top of my head, and then I thought of a good one. “Oh my God, is that One Direction!?” I screeched, pushing myself back so I was rolling away in my chair. I laughed and rolled back up, smiling. “That’s the kind of jokes I make during sex,”

“What?” I heard Harry’s voice behind me, out of the cameras way. I smiled weakly at him and sighed, and he saw what I was doing. “TWITCAM!!” He shouted. “I’ve got some Chinese for us, but I also stopped and bought you some Nutella because I know you like it on your sweet and sour,” He said, coming into the camera’s view. All the comments went fangirl crazy. I smiled and kissed him, forgetting we were on camera, and dug into the bag.

“But really, love, what were you talking about sex?” He laughed.

“Well I was doing 101 ways to say no to sex… and I said ‘Oh my God, is that One Direction?!’ And then I said ‘That’s the kind of jokes I make during sex’ and then you walked in with Chinese and Nutella and made my day and that’s why I love you.” I said, all in one breath. I dipped the chicken into the Nutella, which is actually really, really good. He rolled his eyes at me and smiled, pulling me onto his lap.

I smiled and sunk into his body, looking at the comments.


“Why are you crying? We’re a teenage couple…” I said, Harry stealing one of my little chickens, but I slapped it out of his hand and onto the floor. “No touchy,” I said, leaning forward to get it. He groaned a bit from me shifting all my weight. “Oh, stop complaning.” I said.

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