Everything Resulting To Nothing.

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After that little bicker with Harry, we were pretty much back to normal. Except for Zayn.

I made an appointment to see the doctor for the next day, and we’re going to find out the gender. I’m honestly kind over nervous, I don’t know if I want a boy or a girl. I want a healthy, fun, baby that doesn’t cry and want to suck my boobs every ten minutes.

“Are you ready?” Harry called to me from my living room.

“Yeah,” I said, stuffing my face with the last bite of toast. “I just need to brush my teeth.” I said, but I think it came out like “I hdhdsj hdsjhjk hdjksa h teef.”

“Okay,” He laughed.

So I brushed my teeth and then we left. There were pictures taken and everyone always asked where we were going. “It’s confidential,” We would always say, smiling at each other.

We plan on moving in to the new house sometime in the next week, and we’re already packing up stuff. We’re staying at my flat the next couple of days and getting everything together there, and then we’ll do the same at his. I’m really excited to move in, partially because it’s a step forward in our relationship and partially because I truly love Harry, no matter what has happened with Zayn.

“The house next to Zayn’s is for sale,” Harry said as we drove to the doctor. I took a deep breath in, tasting Zayn back on my lips. The light taste of smoke, but mainly the tea, mixed with lust and hate. “We could have bought that one.” He laughed. I faked a laugh back, but Harry could tell something was wrong.

“What’s been up with you and Zayn the past could days? Whenever I bring him up, you go all weird. I mean, I know he told you he loved you… but was there more?”

That’s when it really hit me. That’s when I felt the rush of the pain. That is when I knew that in some sense, I had cheated on Harry. Cheated on him. Although I may not of kissed Zayn back, I brought it on to myself. I did this all myself, I didn’t stop him until after it was done. Maybe Zayn had told him and Harry is trying to figure it out, maybe Harry’s known Zayn loved me all along. Maybe I’m just paranoid. But I actually believed Zayn about me being a charity case.

“Harry…” I sighed. He looked at me like he had no clue what was going on. I sighed again and that’s when I knew he wasn’t lying, he had no clue what was going on.

“Audrey?” He said, slowing to a stoplight. I could feel the worry coming off of his voice, and it’s scaring me. “Don’t tell me you love Zayn back.” He said, kind of seriously.

I smiled. “I don’t love Zayn,” I assured him, looking back out the window. “He…” I stuttered. “He just kissed me yesterday, that’s all,” I said, sealing my eyes shut, suddenly terrified of what was about to come.

“He did what?” Harry shouted, and we were going a bit faster now. “What did you do?”

I turned to him to see his face redder than I had ever seen, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. “I pulled away and left, Harry. I promise. I didn’t kiss him back. I may have kind of just stood there for, like, two seconds because I was confused. I pulled away, I was done. I left and I haven’t spoken to him, I promise.” I said, keeping my voice firm but failing near the end.

“Are you sure?” He asked, his forehead decreasing just a slight bit.

“I’m positive, Harry,” I said as we pulled into the doctor’s office. I’m saved. “I would never do that to you.”

“I’m sorry I kind of freaked,” He said, stopping the car and throwing his hands on his thighs. “I just can’t believe Zayn did that.”

“It’s okay,” I whispered, patting his leg. He threw his head back and I sighed. “Now come on. Let’s go find out if we’re having a Darcy or a Benjamin.”

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