Shocker Plot Twist Time

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oh gosh okay prepare



“Why is Zayn calling me?” I asked, looking at Harry. He shrugged and I answered.

“Hey Zayn,” I said.

“Audrey, we need to talk,” He said, his voice very, very serious.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, well, no,” He paused and I didn’t know what to say. “Can you be at my flat, alone, in an hour?”

I looked at Harry who had obviously heard and was nodding. “Yeah, I’ll be there,” I said and he hung up.

“I wonder what this is about.” I said, falling back into Harry’s arms. “I’m making the doctor’s appointment later. We’re going to find out the gender.”

“Wow,” He sighed, kissing the top of my head. “This is all so unbelievable.”

“I know,” I smiled, looking up at him. “Come on, let’s go.”


“Harry! I’m leaving, I’ll be back soon,” I called while walking out the door. I heard him call out a goodbye and I smiled at the sound of his distant voice. I love him.

I can’t help but wonder what Zayn has to say. Usually he’s comfortable with saying whatever in front of both Harry and I, and then he also said he wasn’t okay. I’m actually quite worried.

I turned the radio of my car on and the first line I hear is:

You and I, we about to make some memories tonight.

This is definitely my favorite One Direction song. Partially for the (perverted) lyrics and partially just because of the meaning and the beat. I love all of Zayn’s solos and I love when it says “Tonight let’s get some, and live while we’re young.” Harry came up with the get some part, I can’t say I’ve ever been more proud of his writing skills.

That’s when it started raining. The drops were slow at first, slow and peaceful. I turned the radio off and focused on the slowly falling raindrops, counting them one by one. They seemed to have become faster and faster, but my thoughts stayed slow. I wasn’t worried at all, I wasn’t thinking about the baby or what Zayn had to say. I was thinking about being peaceful, which is something that doesn’t happen much for me.

I sighed when I pulled into Zayn’s driveway, knowing the peacefulness would end. I ran through the rain and to his shielded front door, suddenly worried about what he had to say. He’s Zayn, it could be anything.

I knocked on the door and he was almost instantly there, as if he was waiting on me. “Come in,” He said, stepping aside. I smiled and walked in, looking at his house. I had only been here like twice before and it was always with everyone else, but without them it was just a big empty house.

“I have tea in the kitchen for us, I’ll be right back out with it. Go ahead and take a seat on the couch,” He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and pointing to the black leather couch. I nodded my head as he walked away and sat awkwardly on the couch, kind of sinking into it. He was back out quickly and he handed me my tea, and I cupped my hands around it to warm up my body a bit.

“So,” I said, flipping some hair out of my face. “What is it you want to talk about?”

“Well,” He sighed. “I guess I should say it now.”

“Zayn?” I questioned as he looked down. He quickly snapped his head back up at me and I saw something in his eyes I had never noticed before. They were the perfect shade of brown that they always were, but now there was some emotion in them. It wasn’t love, it was… lust.

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