Chapter 1 - Dear Albus

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This chapter takes place right after Grindelwald stole the elderwand. He is getting investigated by someone who will later play an important role. There will be a fiew Flashbacks until the Story starts,mostly Grindeldore. I hoped that this would help clear up Grindelwalds Motivation and who he is in this Story.

Thanks for reading (and reviewing),

xoxo Leviosa

P.S.: I've now noticed that there has been a problem in my story, that I forgot the space between some words and that is why it has been writing some words together, even though there should be a space between. I'm so sorry.

Chapter 1

"Goodbye, Mr. Grindelwald. See ya tomorrow again, maybe you'll realize then, what you have done", the men walked out of Gellerts prison cell."What's your name again, Mr...?" The men turned around, he lifted one eyebrow. "Graves. Percival"

Later Grindelwald told himself that it was totally normal for his heart to stop at this moment. It had nothing to do with everything that had happened. Nothing to do with Albus Percival Dumbledore.

"Good day, sir. Still not remembering the crimes?" "I have to apologize, but I strangely can't remember anything. By the way, how's  your family?" "Oh, they are great. Haven't you heard of my wife's promotion? It was one of the headlines in the daily prophet" "So your wife is British? Some of my former friends live there. Beautiful place", Gellert said. He couldn't control himself, he knew. This could have brought him to prison, if he hadn't already been there. It was so obvious, this was the most stupid thing he had ever done. "You're right, Mr. Grindelwald. I could bring the Daily Prophet tomorrow, so I can show you the article about my wife and the stuff they wrote about you. Maybe that will help your brain."

"Sure, Mr. Graves" Manipulating people was so easy. And again and again, he told himself, that it was for his cause. But he knew that some of it was just his egoistic heart.

"Hello, Mr. Graves. I am so grateful for the daily prophet, life in this prison would be really boring without ... I think I remember something. There was this barkeeper in Bulgaria... He was so desperate, he told me that the muggle had killed his daughter and...he said, that he wasn't skilled enough to perform the killing said, it was the only thing giving him peace, to know that there were people like me in the world.I wanted to help him, but if I look back now, I realize that there is no excuse for killing people. I sincerely apologize", he said. Lies, lies, lies. But there was nothing and no one in his way to save the world from Percival Graves noted everything, he said about the muggle,Gellert was reading the daily prophet. Percival was only allowed to bring him articles that were harmless for Mr. Graves was absolutely great information for Grindelwald.

Albus Dumbledore, the brilliant wizard, and his brother Aberforth seemed to have a real is reported that Dumbledores sister, who died about a year ago, was burried a few weeks Dumbledores attended the funeral, but it seemed that not everything worked out as told us, that Aberforth may or may not have broken Albus nose, because of an argument between what could be gossip was confirmed today, when Dumbledore spoke up about the his words: "We were all sad because of the death of our sister. Some things escalated...We all didn't know what to do without Ariana. It was just an argument about the normal things brothers argue had nothing to do with Ariana" We all want to believe Dumbledore, right?How unfortunate that he was lying, because our witnesses (anonym) can report that it was clearly about no one wants to disturb the broke brothers who clearly went through all are crying with them. May their sister rest in peace.

It was all his fault. And it strengthened his belief in his cause. It was the right thing to do.

And so he read the Daily Prophet and Percival Graves began to forget that he was not supposed to give him information. Grindelwald learned in his time in prison a lot about manipulation. Being nice made things easier than being wasn't hitting people. It was smiling at someone and then stabbing them in the back.

„Mr. Graves... I would like to write a letter to one of my old friends. He was injured a fiew days ago and I'd like to send him my greetings"

„Of course, Mr. Grindelwald" 

Sometimes Grindelwald thought, maybe it wasn't his manipulating skills that made people do things, maybe these people wanted to be manipulated. Everyone wanted to believe in the redeemed evil wizard. And it worked.

Dear Albus. I'm not going to apologize, because with everything I do and say, I regret Arianas death more and more.  I came in and destroyed your life. But destruction can be the beginning of something it isn't something bad. Think about it. When my plan works, there won't be any obscurials one will ever suffer again because of ignorance. And I know, you believed me, once.I know too much, Albus. I know that you are the most brilliant wizard of all time.I know that they want you to be the next minister of magic. I know that you are fascinated of the muggle world I understand that. Muggles are also humans like we are. I just want them to can't hide in our gigantic castles, not even in Hogwarts. We are scared of the muggles being more powerful then we are,with their technique and science. But if we hide we will never know. The world could become a better could help the muggles with our magic and they manage to show us their save the peace it isn't enough to hide. You have to control the others to get them to have me. Even if we now are on different sides, don't forget that you are the most brilliant Person  know. You are an inspiration for the people around you. But no one knows even if it will never be me and you against the rest of the world, there won't be a me against you either.

Love, G

P.S.: I hope your nose will get better.

Love was a complicated word. The other students at Durmstrang joked, that Grindelwald didn't even have a heart. Sometimes, Grindelwald wished it would really be like that. It wouldn't hurt as much, if it didn't exist.

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