Chapter 15 - Leta wants to be free

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Hello everybody, hope you enjoy!

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 15

Other people would have told him that there were absolutely worse things than words. He should worry about war, about people dying and others being tortured, instead he constantly had to think about words. Nobody understood that words were the only thing that could show what happened between him and Grindelwald. Manipulation didn't necessarily mean lying, but there was only a small barrier between both. Wounds could heal, but words could stick in his head forever, only to come into his thoughts, when he didn't need them. All these promises, all these dreams of what things could be, that would never happen. He had thought about putting his memories into the pensive too often, but he knew that he couldn't. Thinking about it hurt him, but losing it all would break his heart, as if if there was something left that wasn't already. Dumbledore knew that he could learn out of his past, that knowing Grindelwald would help him fight against him. But it didn't always help. There was always a moment, a second, a minute, sometimes even hours of every day when Albus Dumbledore couldn't help but think that he would never win this endless fight, where he was lost in the bad sides of everything that had happened, that he wasn't made for this. He knew that he had no chance of winning against him now, there would be a time when he was ready and before that time had come, he would need others, others that were capable, to help him. And often, when he was about to drown in his own thoughts, he remembered meeting Gellert Grindelwald for the first time. The highs and the lows, and it all came together in a huge mix of the magic Dumbledore felt. As if he would carry a giant rainbow in his heart, the rain and the sun together, a mix of the bad and the good memories. And it made him feel better, walking around with this rainbow.

"You and me. Against the rest of the world", he said. There was no one else except them, no one important enough to be there, no one who could halfway understand what connected them. No one would believe Albus, but Grindelwald and him were almost the same. He had never understood anyone as much as he understood him and at the same time never argued so much with someone. But when he argued with Grindelwald, it didn't feel as if they were arguing. It was more of a discussion of their both opinions, a new form of communication. There was no one in this world like Gellert Grindelwald for Albus. No one would believe him if he told anyone, but it felt as if they had the same soul. Being with Grindelwald was like a wild fire — it was the best thing in his life, loving Gellert was moving the world. Their love really felt as if it was a fire — too bright to be stopped by anyone except themselves. As if suddenly, the world had changed and now the only thing that counted, was them and only them. Everything was possible, if they were together. The world was turning around them, not with or without them. And over everything stood the belief that they could change anything, that they would create a better world, because their love was the only thing they needed, as the kings of the universe. Albus couldn't count the amount of times, were they both couldn't sleep, and sent each other letters. "You know, your idea is right. We just have to find a way, to peacefully make them understand the right in our words" "We have to find a way, so wizards and muggles accept each other, even though muggles aren't our equals, we should treat them politely as if they were. And the most important thing is that no wizarding children should suppress their magic" "You are absolutely right" "This is why I love you so much. You understand that I'm right", Gellert whispered. So many days, just them, their books and their crazy theories and it was better and brighter than everything they ever had experienced. The thing that was important to them the most was the other person. And just like they thought, that the universe would spin around them, they were the center of the universe for each other.

"Do you really think this is a good idea, Newt?", Tina asked. She was still skeptical about how Leta Lestrange escaped, but she didn't want to ruin the short peace between her and Newt. "We'll have to try. I'll send a letter to Dumbledore, he'll help us. You know if we never try, we will never get the chance to help Credence" She nodded, he was totally right, but she didn't think that it would work. No one had seen Flamel in years and the chance of him healing total strangers just because one was an obscurial seemed not very high. They walked through the whole city, Newt stopped at every corner, because it reminded him "of his youth". Picket almost escaped, because Newt was so deep in thought. "What does Paris have to do with your youth? Do all wizards travel as much as he does?", Jacob asked. He was the only one except Newt who could speak french, he had learned it in muggle school. That was no problem for Queenie, because she could read all minds and it didn't matter which language it was because she understood them without words. But Tina was quite annoyed by having to cast a spell before understanding others. "Oh, umm, I often came here in my school years. And, no, I don't think all wizards travel that often. What's do you think about that, Tina?" But Tina didn't listen to him. In her thoughts, she was somewhere else. She remembered too much of her youth. The day, her mother died and the day her father died too. She and Queenie, sitting on the stairs of their old apartment, crying, before they were told to leave it, because it was no longer belonging to them. Her first day in Illvermorny. Illvermorny was such a beautiful place, it had made her life special, it had made her become the human, she was now.

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