Chapter 27- Truth and die

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Hello everybody, thanks for reading and for liking the story (thanks to everyone who considers writing feedback or voting for the story, I appreciate that sooo much).

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 27

"What's your name?" "Jacob. I think it's Jacob? No, it was probably John. Yeah, yeah, John Macbeth", he said, his brain still strangely full of dust and confusion. "John Macbeth? Okay, then tell me what you know, Romeo", the person in a dark robe and a mask on his face said. "Romeo? Didn't I tell you that I'm Jacob?" "No, you said you're John Macbeth. What is your profession? Are you possibly an actor?", the man lifted his eyebrows, visibly amused by his prisoners words. "I don't really know" "To be or not to be?", he asked. Jacob had no idea. "I guess to be? Or maybe not to be? Is that some kind of riddle? I can't even remember my own name how should I be able to know if it is to be or not to be?", Jacob stuttered. "Are you stupid or just really really weird? Honestly, you confuse me. I'd better kill you before Grindelwald wants me to serve somewhere else because I went mad", the guard decided. "Oh, I'm sorry, you're talking about Shakespeare, right? I am sorry, I was just a bit confused. Where are we?" "We are in a special place in Paris, and I am afraid that I won't be able to kill you in the next hours. Grindelwald wouldn't be delighted if I kill you before it begins" "Before what begins?" "The games. What else should I be talking about? Didn't you know? Oh, I forgot to tell you. Basically, you have to fight against everyone else in the arena, the two people standing last, will be free.", the follower of Grindelwald said. "And who am I fighting against? Why do I have to fight?" "You fight against the other non magic people we caught in the last months. The ones that survive have proven their worth to the wizarding community, there for are not useless anymore and will be part of Grindelwalds new world and accepted by the people around them. Grindelwald is not a dictator, he is willing to give every one of you a chance, and he does not believe that all of your kind are ignorant. You should feel honored to be in this competition" Jacob had faced fear too often in his life, fear of losing memory, fear of losing people he loved, but he had never ever felt that much fear of losing his own life. "But that Is totally brutal. I don't have to be a good fighter to be a good human", Jacob whispered, not able to talk louder, the fear was controlling him. "Magic blooms only in rare souls, Mr. Macbeth. No one here is a good human, and even if you were, you wouldn't count as a good human in the face of Grindelwald. You can only prove your purity by winning the games", the acolyte explained to him, a spark of madness in his eyes. "You say I count as a good person, worthy of your respect, after I kill hundreds of people? Doesn't one of them exclude the other?" It did not help Jacobs brain to discuss right now. The only thing he knew was that he had to get away from here as quick as possible.

"Hey", someone ran into her, accidentally. She hated it, when people did not look around themselves, when they were not aware of their environment, because she always had to be, because she was reading too many thoughts at once. Queenie had no time to think about other people, she should find Jacob, before Grindelwald could get him. Jacob suddenly apparated, this patronus took him somewhere, somewhere Queenie did not know where it was. "Hey? You bettere watch out where you're going, Theseus Scamander", Queenie shouted at him, but stopped as she realized in what persons head she had been looking into. "Theseus Scamander? Newts brother?", she added. The auror looked at her, both eyebrows lifted. "I am Theseus Scamander, indeed. But who are you and why do you know my name? I don't know why, but you seem... familiar?", Theseus said and began to stutter, like his brother. "My name is Queenie Goldstein, and I am a friend of your brother. And you seem to be looking for your fiancé? I haven't seen Leta, but... There is a no-maj... You are British, right? I can tell you this and you won't kill me because of it. I am in love with this no-maj, Jacob, and he was kidnapped. By Grindelwald. And I... You are an auror. You could... help me? You help me and I help you find Leta. Do we have a deal?", Queenie asked him. In her life, she had learned that confusion was the best method to get people to do what you want. Knowing toomuch and saying even more things, things the other persons brain could not work through entirely in such a short time period. "Umm... Okay?", Theseus decided. "Swear it", she whispered. "I have to find Leta, I won't let her get her kidnapped again. This is why I swear to help you", Theseus declared. "Okay, now that this is finally done, we'll get to the arena. And yes, I know this because I can read your mind. It is the only place that is abandoned and glamorous enough to be used to hold slaves, or in this case no-majs. Did you know that the old Romans used these theaters for gladiator fights? Gladiators were often slaves, that wanted to be free, and the only way to get freedom was to survive in the arena for a long time period", she began to talk. Theseus was so confused, that she almost pitied him, but the only way to get Jacob back was in the guidance of an auror, it was the only way. If she had known what happened in the arena right now, she would have hurried a bit more.

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