Chapter 22 - Jacob gets the elderwand - and drops it

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Hope you enjoy the story,

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 22

"Don't take the case! I'll do anything for you, if you just don't harm my creatures", Newt shouted. Tina knew that it couldn't work, every time he said these words, someone took his case. But she hadn't seen this acolyte either. Tina had heard of Corvus Lestrange the fourth, Vinda Rosier and a fiew others, but never had she heard of person called Krall. "Why should I believe you? You will just run away if I let you keep the case", he said, with a calm and bored voice. "Why is your name Krall?", Tina said the thought that ran through her mind, and regretted it instantly. "It's because of my family. Aren't all names like that?", he said, avoiding her and Newt. As if he didn't like the idea of kidnapping them, but he still had to do it. "I am sorry, umm, but did you know a woman called Selene? You remind me a bit of her, especially your eyes and your haircolour and your overall behavior", Newt stuttered. Krall lifted one eyebrow in surprise. But Tina had worked as an auror long enough to know when someone was hiding something. "She was your mother, right?", Newt whispered calmly. He spoke in a tone similar as to what he sounded like talking to his creatures. "I have a task to finish. You won't come into my way", Krall said. With a wink of his hand, ropes wrapped around them, their wands fell out of their hands and air pushed Tina and Newt after him. "Selene sacrificed too much, I won't let her sacrifice be worthless. There will be a time when you will understand, but there are things I have to do before telling you the truth", was the last thing Krall said to them, before he disapparated, Tina and Newt had to follow him.

Jacob woke up like every other morning before. He stood up, looked around himself and thought: IT IS REAL! But this time, there was no Newt nor his suit case next to him. He walked down the stairs and everything seemed lost, abandoned, as if he was living in his own nightmares. Jacob shouted Newts name, he looked everywhere for Queenie and hoped that Tina would turn up in a corner, with two hotdogs in her hands. Nothing happened. Nicholas Flamel wasn't there either, nor his wife and Dumbledore was also gone. This couldn't be real. Someone had kidnapped his friends and he wouldn't let that happen. Jacob tried to make a plan, but he had to eat the left crossaint on the breakfast table first. It reminded him of Leta. Leta Lestrange loved crossaints, she wouldn't let anyone steal her crossaint. Except Grindelwald. Grindelwald had kidnapped them, and forgotten to take him. Because he was a muggle. Normally, he hated having no wand nor magic, but now it was finally useful. Jacob thought about it. He would have to make a plan, something that would work, because if it didn't, he would never see his friends again. Where would Grindelwald be? The last time they had seen him had been in the catacombs of Paris. He would search there first. But he wouldn't be able to do it alone. Jaob would need a team, and he did not have to think about it long, to find the perfect crew.

"Get out of the way, Vinda. It is my job to bring them to Grindelwald. You will be rewarded afterwards", Krall commanded. Vinda rolled her eyes at him and her quite pretty face became angry and willing to do everything. "Don't try to play first mate again, you know that I am better than you an that you don't have any control over me. I am the best follower of Grindelwald, he, the master himself, told me. I will bring them to Grindelwald and if you don't surrender, you die", she said. Krall laughed at her, he knew that she hated when he laughed at her as if he was superior to her, that was why he did it. "You do realize that he told the same things to all of us, expecting us to kill eachother? And you know what? He will get what he wants, because he always gets what he wants. Avada Kedavra", he yelled, his wand drawn. Vinda shouted back, but eventhough she tried as hard as she could, even though she fought with her whole soul, because she knew that hate was a better motivator than love to her, Krall was still better than her. Krall just moved his wand a little, and her corpse disappeared, as if she had never existed. He knew that Newt, Tina, Malena, Credence, Queenie and Leta were shocked by the brutality in his words, in his gestures. Krall knew that most people thought of him as a friendly human who helped old ladies over streets and gave all his money to the homeless. He tried to be. But there was still a wolf in him, and with every death, with every person he killed, he took revenge for every member of his family. There was only one thing left to do. Dumbledore would be proud of him.

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