Chapter 9 - Credence's only friend

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Hello everybody.

Hope you like it (as always I would be happy to get a Review),

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 9

"So what exactly did you do?", Credence asked her. Malena looked away. They were both sitting on a roof, Mals favorite place in Paris, from where you could see the whole city and the Eiffel Tower. "Is there really nothing you remember?", she asked quietly. Credence nodded. He had no idea what had happened. The darkness broke ut and took the control over his body and mind, the next thing he remembered was waking up in the Circus. "Maybe it's best to first tell you what I am", she tried to hide her eyes behind her hands. "You are a nice person", Credence said, but Malena didn't want to hear. "I am a Maledictus, the carrier of a blood curse, which gives me the opportunity to transform into an animal. The point is, that in any state of my life, it could be in ten years or in an hour, I will be forced to stay in my animal form, without coming back. Every time I transform could be the last time" Credence watched Mal, while she told him her story. Credence understood her too good. He hated to see other people suffer, just like he hated to suffer himself. Malena didn't dare to look at him, she silently cowered in the corner of the roof, her hands in front of her face, as if she was hiding something dangerous. But Malena wasn't dangerous, she had saved Credence life and was one of the only people Credence every really liked. She couldn't carry such weight, she couldn't be a maledictus, could she? But Credence had earned that most of the time, the kindest people were the loneliest. Mal wasn't short for Malena — it was short for the disease that controlled her life — the maledictus, just like Credence was an Obscurial. He began to understand. Malena was scared and that was the reason why she hid her face behind her hands. She was scared that Credence would hate her, because of what she was, because she would become an animal one day and, one of these feelings he also felt, she thought that she was a beast — a human who lived with a monster inside. Credence slowly walked to the corner of the roof. Malena still cowered in there, scared of herself, scared of other peoples opinions. Of his opinion. No one wants to be hated, everyone wants to be loved, Credence thought. He took Mals hands and pulled them away from her face. "Malena, you are beautiful. No matter what stupid people tell you, no matter if you carry a curse. You shouldn't let anyone tell you how to live your life, not even me, but you deserve to live it with your eyes wide open. Please, tell me why and how you saved my life" Her eyes seemed too big, as he looked at her. He was still holding her hands.

"My animal form is a snake. And as all snakes I possess, in my snake body, a poison. You might have heard about alchemists using snake poison as a healing to diseases, or at least to slow down the death process of magical diseases. I am a magical snake, therefore my poison is also magical, and according to this theory, I had heard about, I could also stop the death process of magical diseases. So, how do snakes transport the poison into their victims veins?", Malena asked him. Almost as if she was challenging him, the sparks in her eyes had returned. She had trained to not give in nor to give up. "Through biting?" Mal almost smiled. "Through their mouth and/or their teeth. And I thought, maybe I was a maniac, but my idea was... I am sorry, this will sound extremely disrespectful, because I didn't really know you nor did I ask you for your permission. It also is a bit embarrassing and I sincerely apologize again and again but... This darkness would have destroyed you. You were about to die as I found you... I didn't want to let you die there. So, I kissed you, and transformed. As I had thought, the poison did, through my ability and the desperate wish that it wouldn't kill you, save you" "You could have died, or never transformed back again" "I guess, it was worth it", she said and smiled at him.

"So, what is this thing, and what exactly is it doing to you? Can you control it? In the circus, we are all brutally honest to each other, there are no secrets, because you don't want to die the next day and leave a magic treasure behind, which nobody knows about" "It is called an Obscurus, a dark magical force. It exists because I suppressed my magic out of fear, I didn't learn to control it, which leads to uncontrollable power. Most obscurials aren't older than ten, when they die. I am about sixteen, maybe older. I don't really know, I was adopted" "As I found you, you were almost dead. Does this mean that you don't have any control over it?", Mal asked, fear in her eyes. "I should be dead now. Wizards tried to kill the obscurus, but apparently an obscurus is almost absolutely impossible to kill. An obscurus can't survive without a host. As I understand it, the obscurus can't be killed, it will always return and regenerate their host with I get killed, as a human, the obscurus will have to search for a new host. But after the attempt to kill the obscurus, I woke up. And suddenly, I had more control over my body. The Obscurus only came when I wanted it too, or when I couldn't handle my emotions, especially anger." "But if you can control it, why were you almost dead when I found you?", she whispered, quiet, but he still heard it. Credence knew that she didn't want to hear the truth, neither did he. Even if the truth was ugly, Mal deserved more than beautiful lies. "It almost killed me, because I let it. I didn't want to control it anymore, I lost the will to. Nicholas Flamel wasn't there, there was no way to cure it. And if I had to die someday, would it have mattered if I died that day? I now know that it is always better to live than to die, but at that point, I had no faith, I didn't want to live with a monster", he couldn't look at Mal. They both had known, but no one wanted to speak the truth. "Hey! We've all been there, Credence. That's why you're here. You are here, because you deserve to live, because every human has a right to survive. I will help you, so you will never give in again. I am there for you, Credence", Malena said, as if she would mean it, as if he really was worth her words.

"Ready", he said, while he knelt down. He heard Mals voice, and even though he didn't understand her, he knew that he could do it this time. The obscurus came when he called. But this time it wasn't here to tear him apart. He could control it, he was no longer his slave. He could control it. Credence slowly let the obscurus out, he saw the dark force pouring out of him. He heard his heart beat louder than ever. He was alive and he was able to do this. Credence had survived and even though there was no one like him, he wasn't alone. Maybe this was how wizards felt. If he concentrated, he imagined that he could hear the adrenaline in his blood, he had never been happier. The power running through his veins belonged to him, it was his own magic. And only his magic.

"Why are we following Newt? Didn't this Dumbledore-guy say that we should stay in London?", Jacob asked. "Because Newt is incredibly stupid, that's why", Tina said bluntly. She hated being underrated. Why should she stay in London, while Newt wanted to save the world alone? He had no right to leave her. Her brain quickly corrected her: You don't want him to choose Leta over you. She didn't even know Leta Lestrange, she didn't know, maybe Leta was a really nice person. Maybe she really deserved Newt. No she doesn't deserve him. No one does. Not even you. She was not going to stop until she found Newt. She wouldn't let him die, while he wanted to be Leta Lestranges hero. They had reached the white cliffs of Dover, as Queenie said: "How do we want to cross the border? We can't just apparate, what if the aurors find us?" "We'll have to try", Jacob said, determined to face every evil in the world to save his friends. Jacob was in some things just like Newt, but less stubborn. "Do you even know what we mean by disapparating and apparating?", Tina asked skeptically. "Yes, I believe so. Changing your location and transporting yourself to another place by will", he said and Queenie smiled as if she now finally was the superior sister. "You are forgetting that I am an auror. I am able to do things others can't" "I thought that was because you are a Goldstein" "This phrase fits every part of my life", Tina said. A second later, the only thing left of them were their foot prints.

Newt had thought too much about his way to Paris. He wasn't sure what to do, now that he was there and had talked to Leta. She had just told him to leave and ensured that she and Theseus would leave immediately after the party. Newt knew that he wasn't wanted here, but he would have at least thought that he could stay in a corner somewhere and wait. He didn't know any place to stay, he knew no one in Paris. It had been a stupid decision, why couldn't he just follow Dumbledores orders? He ran through the streets of Paris, he didn't look at the people around him, he knew that they wouldn't understand him. He had to find a place where his case was safe, a place with a bed. Newt couldn't stay out here any longer, he hated crowds. Finally, he found a wizard hotel. When he opened his case again, he finally had time to rest. He had the time to think bout everything that had happened, while he cared about his creatures. And now he was alone here, left by his best friend and his brother, to whom he didn't even talk to. Hadn't Leta forgiven him in all this time? He had given up everything for her, but she never wanted any of this. Maybe he really should have stayed in London. Tina and Queenie and Jacob now where alone there, in their two hotel rooms. They had deserved better. Why couldn't he never do the right thing? He shouldn't let his heart decide his life, there were so many more important things. Newt had never thought before that he could love people too much. But he did, he always had. He would sacrifice his whole life for his friends. And for Leta.

He never wanted anyone but her. But she never wanted him. No matter what he did to help her, no matter how much love he gave to her, she never gave anything back. When he was younger, he had thought t hat it was his fate to be never loved back. Now he had realized that he was responsible for his own decisions, and if one of them was being deeply in love with the future wife of your brother, then he had to change it himself. And he had tried, he had thought that he was over her. He was not. Because if he was, he wouldn't have come to her rescue like a little dog or a drug addict. There were so many people who deserved more to be loved, so many people in this world that were wonderful but lonely. Why did he have to fall in love with Leta Lestrange?

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