Chapter 14 - How to train your dragon

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Hello everybody, hope you enjoy the story.

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 14

Tina didn't know how much she had slept in the last days, she didn't even want to know. She hated worrying more than anything else. More than having nothing to do. She had searched through Paris with Queenie and Jacob, nobody knew anything about Leta or Newt, and she hated knowing nothing. Tina had talked to all her contacts, and she was too exhausted to look for Newt any longer. But she hated giving up. She had to find him, even if she was too tired. Tina couldn't give up, she had given up too often. Nobody in the circus had seen Leta nor Newt in the last 24 hours, and they said that some of their people were missing. Most of the artists really tried to help them find Leta and Newt, but nothing really worked. "So you are looking for whom?", the circus boss, Skender said. "Leta Lestrange, tall, long brown hair, elegant and really beautiful", Queenie said. Considering that they all had seen Leta once, on Newts picture, they were pretty proud of their description. "And the other one?" "Newt Scamander. He always wears a dark blue coat and has really messed up hair. He always carries a suitcase", Tina said. She didn't believe that this would work, but the circus boss slowly nodded. " Dark blue coat, suit case. He was here, hours ago. He asked if we had seen this Leta woman. The last time we saw here, was with Credence, but she suddenly disapparated. Credence believes that she had been kidnapped by Grindelwald, but we don't really know in which direction they went" Tinas heart stopped for a second. Credence was dead. She had seen his death, he couldn't be alive. But they were probably talking about another Credence. This couldn't be. No one survived a killing curse and it was more than impossible to survive more than ten. "Did you say Credence?", Jacob asked. He was the only one of them who could think right now. Queenie and Tina were to busy thinking about Skenders words to say something. "He'll be there in a minute", Skender said and went into the direction of about ten little tents. He came back, a black haired boy in a new suit at his side, next to the girl, Tina had seen on posters before. She was the enchanting snake girl. "Credence, do you know them? They were looking for Leta", Skender informed him. Tina couldn't speak anymore. She would never forget his face, full of pain and it reminded her of the obscurus inside him. "Tina?", he asked, as he went towards her. "Grindelwald kidnapped Leta. Mal was about to distract him, as he found Leta and disapparated with her. We couldn't do anything against it and an hour later came Newt, who said that he had heard Leta screaming. We couldn't help him either and now you are here", he said. "Credence. It's good to see you. But how did you survive? We all thought you were dead. And why are you here?", Jacob spoke out their thoughts. "It has something to do with the obscurus. Newt remembered something about it. I woke up one day and was back again. I just want to be cured, Tina. Mal saved me and brought me to the circus. This is why I am here, the circus help me to control it... until... Until Nicholas Flamel comes out of his house or I die.", he told them. The girl next to him had been silent, but began to speak now. She was wearing a dress, which looked as if it was made out of blue-green snake skin. "I'm Malena. And we will try to help you, if we can. Newt seems to know more about the obscurus than we do, so it is also helpful for us to save him" Tina finally found the voice to speak again. She could slowly process it, Credence had found a way to survive and if he could do the impossible than they would also find a way to rescue Newt and Leta. "Do you have any idea how we can search the city fast after a missing person? Is there any way? You know the city better than we do", Tina began to make a plan. "We'll, I don't know, but wouldn't it be smart if we use the dragons over there?", Jacob pointed at two red Hungarian horntails, which Tina hadn't noticed before. They were as majestic and beautiful as Newts creatures, they didn't look as if they were the slaves of humans, as if they would listen to the stupid talk of humans. These dragons were born to rule their own kingdom. Their red skin seemed to be made out of the fire in their veins and their eyes had similarities with the sun. Tina was quite impressed, but she knew that creatures didn't deserve to be judged by their fierce looks. One of these things she had learned from Newt. The only real reason why these dragons were owned by circus Arcanus was that they each had two heads, which made them look even deadlier in Tinas eyes. "Are you sure that we can ride them?" "Oh. They have not seen the city from above in a long time. I believe that they would be happy to fly a bit", Queenie said. "I don't think it's a problem. Or is it, Skender?", Jacob asked Skender. "No, it's not. They were fed shortly before you arrived, so food won't be a problem. I hope you all know how to fly a dragon. Let's start!", Skender smiled as big as a child that had gotten a new present. Tina understood why he was the boss of this circus.

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