Chapter 4 - Credence comes back

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I will try to upload every day, firstly because in 15 days the new movie comes out (YEY!) and because the Story is already finshed, I just have to upload it.

Hope you like it,

xoxo Leviosa

Chapter 4

"I'll have to stay here, Leta. If Grindelwald escapes there will be no Paris to travel to any more" "He has stayed in there for more than a half year. Grindelwald is not going to escape in the next week, just because we're in Paris. I believe that he can survive without having aurors around him every single second" "Leta, try to understand me. I don't want anyone to be hurt, especially not you. Also, my brothers releasing his book in a few days. I want to share this moment with him, please Leta. I love you so much but sometimes my family and my career need some love too. And I can't let Newt down. You know him, he would do the same thing and so much more for me. I think he deserves the same thing" Leta rolled her eyes at him. She loved Theseus, but sometimes he was just too stubborn. "Okay. You want to be back, when Newts book releases? We can do it... But before... We will meet my mother.", she said. Theseus was silent. He thought about it, wanted to say something, but then regretted it. "You see? That's why I love you so much" "Why?" "You understand me better than anyone" "You mean because I don't question your opinion" "Kind of... I mean... Yeah!", Leta said, smiling. Theseus laughed. This was the best decision she had ever made. Theseus didn't question her. And she was happy, happy with Theseus. He always gave her a choice, not like Newt had done. Newt was just there, he had never asked to come into her life. It was better this way. At least her brain said these words to her.

"Hey", he said, "...Hey", Tina looked surprised, when she opened the door. Maybe it was because it was raining outside and Newt was just standing in the doorway, his hair totally wet, even though he could have fixed it with magic, in his right hand his suitcase, in his left a copy of "Fantastic beasts and where to find them", also totally wet. "Would you mind, if I come in? I don't want to ruin the book even more", Newt asked, before he walked in, water dropped from his coat on the floor. "Oh, I am sorry. Tergeo", he pointed at the floor and all the water vanished. "Thanks. So, how's life in Great Britain?", Tina said, while opening the door to her apartment. "Like on any other lonely island" As they arrived in the apartment, Tina cursed silently. "New York feels like that too. Oh, god, Queenie is buying bread again. We've got enough bread for the next year, and she still doesn't notice. It's a bit complicated. She thinks, that I won't find that the bread is just an excuse to meet Jacob. I mean, she could've just told me. But maybe... I believe she is scared that he will lose his memory again and that's why. So, I guess, you're stuck here with me now" Newt looked around. Everything felt as if he had never left. For a second he just stood there and was shocked but glad about him being here. The second passed and reality returned. "So... Basically, I am here to give you your copy of my book. And to meet you... and Queenie of course" He handed the very wet copy to Tina. "I sincerely apologize. The water ruined it..." "It's the thought that counts", Tina said. Newt couldn't understand how she was still so happy, while the book constantly dropped water on her apartment floor. Someone came into the apartment and closed the door loudly. "Sorry to interrupt, but I can fix this, honey", with only one move of her wand, Queenie dried the book. "It's good to see you, Newt"

"Newt? Who's Theseus Scamander?", Queenie asked, the next morning, while reading the Daily Prophet. An owl had brought it and since its arrival, Queenie had done nothing but reading in it. "He's my brother. Why? Please tell me you are not reading my mind again" Queenie looked up from the newspaper for a second, but quickly began to read again. "Well... The daily prophet says he's getting engaged to Leta Lestrange" At first Newt didn't want to believe her. Leta would never... She would never do this to him. It had been hard, staying away from her. But it would be even harder to having to meet her every Christmas, which Newt usually celebrated with his brother. He could not lie, he couldn't pretend. Hiding the truth was something Newt didn't really like. Hiding and lying were the same thing to him and Leta Lestrange as a part of his new family made everything more complicated. "Are you okay?", Tina asked from the other side of the table. He forgot that she was also there. "Yes... I am just... surprised. I thought that my brother would at least tell me some day that he wants to marry someone. But, it's okay. Maybe he just wanted to keep it private. It is totally understandable that he kept it a secret", Newt murmured to himself. From all people in the world, Leta had to choose to marry his brother. "You look very... shocked", Queenie said, "I'd have reacted the same way, Newt. But you weren't... It would have never worked, you know..." "Please, stop talking", Newt said. "Newt, she doesn't deserve you. You're to good for her", Tina whispered. Queenie looked surprised. Tina really listened more than other people. Another owl flew and landed on the kitchen table. It was carrying a letter, on which was written in big letters: Grindelwald is back.

He was gone. And suddenly he was here. He never asked to come back. He never wanted any of this. But the only thing important now was, that he was here. But with himself came it. He had never chosen this power, but even being killed could not stop it. He knew the meaning of it, obscurus. But words didn't help him. There was only one solution, if he wanted to survive: he had to find someone who could cure it. Too many days had passed, he couldn't remember how long he had waited, to find a magic library. He stayed there every day, no one saw him sleeping in the abandoned history section. Credence didn't remember the last time he had slept. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, he couldn't control it anymore. He could control it a bit better, now, because his step-mother wasn't standing next to him. But every time, the chaos broke out and made a mess, he could stop it. At least he hoped that it was really him and not the obscurus who said this. You shouldn't care about them, his inner dark force told him. But Credence still tidied everything up. He hated his conversations with the obscurus. Diseases could not speak. Still, he had the feeling that the obscurus wanted to persuade him to let go. Credence also assumed that he was accepted from the library house elves, because two times every day, food appeared next to the carpet, which he used as a bed. A little letter was pinned to the food: please do not eat while reading.

Too many names, too many books he had to read. Credence was sure: he couldn't live here for any longer. Every time the library opened, he was about to get noticed.

They would kill him, if they knew. Or worse: they would hold him in a cage, where everyone could stare at him. He knew that he wasn't normal. But no wizard was normal. Credence never wanted to kill anyone, he could not control it by will. It took time to read all these books. He would have never found the right one, if he hadn't discovered a book, lying under the shelves. Somebody had dropped it and even the house elves had not found it. Nicolas Flamel — creator of the philosopher's stone. The book, he had been looking for.

"There is another visitor for you", the auror had said that day. "Her name is – thanks, ma'am, Vinda Rosier" "Please, come in", Grindelwald said. A pale woman with long black hair walked into the cell as if it was a stage. "Nice to see you, Grindelwald" If he hadn't lived all over the world, he wouldn't have noticed her slight french accent. The auror watched them, bored but conscious. "These Americans! Never heard of privacy or what? That wouldn't happen in my country", she looked down at the auror, who rolled his eyes, but closed the cell door. "What was his name again? Credence? He was seen in Paris, yesterday" "But Credence is dead", he began, but overthought it, "Credence was in his obscurus form when they killed him. Well – you can't kill an obscurus fully. You can just separate it from the dead host. And there are so many ways the obscurus can come back into the body. Therefore, Credence is alive and the obscurus is coming back to possess him. I should help him, so he can help us", and his thoughts added: Do it for Ariana. "Good plan. We'll leave this place in a few minutes, if you agree" Grindelwald laughed. "How do you want to get me out of here?" "They want to transport you to another prison, to another hearing. And the aurors who will get you there are: Your most trusted followers: Me, Corvus Lestrange the fourth and Krall" "I am so proud to have you next to me, Vinda. You're still the best in your business. For the greater good", he smiled. Grindelwald didn't know how often he had used this fake smile. It wasn't that he didn't believe that Vinda was a great witch, he was just not sure if he could trust her. "For the greater good"

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